Hate | Idol AU

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Jungsoo continued her way along the street with her ear buds in her ears and her brothers' new album playing. Ever since Jungkook went to SOPA, she had been getting used to walk home alone. Sometimes she'd ask a driver to come with her when she felt a bit tired and annoyed. It was bit hard at first to get used to not hear Jungkook's annoying self, but she's got used to it.

She had already listened to their new music many times -after and even before the release- but she still couldn't get over how everything just fit right in the songs. The music, the lyrics- just everything. The meaning of the lyrics and the story behind it was just perfect. How could they be so talented? Not to forget the number of times she felt like the only hollow-headed one in the family.

The brothers had been away from the country for a while for their new album's promoting. Jungsoo would've gone with them if it weren't for the exam that she had. Going to school wasn't interesting as much as before. No, not because of Jungkook wasn't there. but because of the stares and the requests she gets. But she was trying to get used to it too.

The brothers didn't tell her an exact date which they'd be returning, to surprise her but it annoyed the girl a bit. Living all alone in a big mansion was a bit too much- even though there were a few maids that she'd love to talk with. The siblings did call each other, face timed and texted every time they could to check on each other but it couldn't compare to their physical presence. How can any device create the warmth of her brothers' embrace?

The group had gained global recognition and she was proud of her brothers. They worked hard, day and night and it had paid off. They released many songs just after debut, worked on albums and comebacks without caring what time of the year it was or even if they just released one. Their efforts were winning awards and many hearts and topping charts left and right. There were many fans who supported and anticipated their success which made the girl much happier. It was all she'd ask for them, too.

The girl smiled to herself when she thought about their fans. ARMYs were a very supportive fandom which encouraged her brothers and lifted them up. They defended their music and also the brothers and never let anyone talk bad about them. The fandom knew the tough journey they went through to get to the top and they weren't going to let anyone just drag the boys down like that. But along with the huge amount of love, came the hate. But the boys knew there were lovers more than haters which made them not care much about the hate a while after the debut.

When Jungsoo heard the music stop, she scowled. What dared to disturb her comfort time? she took out her phone from her pant pockets and checked what it was. Her scowl was replaced by a smile when she saw that her oppa's calling her. But before she could answer Hoseok, she heard a voice. She looked up from her phone to see a few girls and boys. Her brows furrowed at the unfamiliar faces.

"Hello," she said confused and took off one of her earbuds with the other in her ear, still ringing. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yeah, are you Jungkook oppa's sister?" a younger girl asked, making Jungsoo stifle back a laugh and a gag at how she called Jungkook.

She couldn't reveal the truth even though it was obvious. So, she chuckled a bit. "I get that a lot. Oh, how I wish to be her" she used a bit of her drama genes. "But no, I'm sorry" She said and tried to walk past them after putting her phone in her pant pockets in the back.

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