Chapter Twenty-One: Stars Don't Align

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I finally reached the hospital, though it was nearing three in the morning by now. I wasn't sure the staff would even let me in at this time, but I sure hoped they would.

I rubbed my eyes as I hopped out of the cab, swiping my credit card on the machine before thanking the driver and placing my feet on the concrete. I was exhausted, but I knew Katy needed support more than ever right now, and I was prepared to do whatever it takes.

"I'm here for Katheryn Hudson, she's called for me," I said to the receptionist, who sat there diligently typing onto her keyboard, her eyes focused on the computer screen in front. She raised her eyebrows as I spoke, and I wasn't entirely sure she understood what I said. Instead she nodded vaguely in reply, before I swiftly turned around and made my way towards the elevator to Katy's room. I hated hospitals more than anything, there wasn't ever a good memory I could recall having at one. They were just dark and depressing. Knowing Katy had been here for nearly two days made me sick to my stomach, especially seeing the state she was in.

My stomach twisted as I thought about how frail and sick she looked. She looked as if she hadn't eaten in days, and all her life had been sucked out of her somehow. I knew, in my heart, that this had been caused by me and the things I had put her through, and I hated myself for it more than anything.

I knocked lightly on the door, looking through the small glass area to see that Tamra and Bradford were still in the room, standing beside Katy's bed. I let myself in, meeting the glares of them in the room. Immediately I felt incredibly awkward, but I knew that I wasn't here to fool around, I was here for her. Even if we weren't together anymore, I would always care for her.
Someone that important in your life can't simply be forgotten, it's simply impossible.

"Uh, hey," I said gently, walking over to Katy.

"Hey John, thanks for coming. We really appreciate it," Tamra said, smiling lightly as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I think we'll leave you both now. I'll see you in the morning, Katy," Bradford said to Katy, who looked drowsy, like she had only woken up again.

Katy didn't say anything, only nodded in reply. She looked so broken... My heart hurt just seeing her.
I wish I could fix everything, I hated seeing her like this more than anything in the world.

Bradford turned to me and shook my hand, before Tamra opened her arms and gave me a hug. I would've thought they had hated me considering everything that's going on, but they seemed grateful. They both looked as exhausted as each other, and I'm sure they were thankful that they could home and finally get some sleep, I was almost positive that they'd still had none.

"Feel better pumpkin," Tamra said cheekily as she followed Bradford out the door. Upon the door clicking shut, there was an awkward silence. I wasn't entirely sure that I was wanted here... Even though Katy had texted me to come back. I turned my head away from the door and back to Katy, catching her gaze. I smiled at her gently, but I didn't know what to say, how to say it, or where to start. There was so much that I needed to tell her, but I couldn't think of the right words.

I was so caught up in trying to focus on what to say, that I didn't realise she had suddenly started sobbing, both of her palms placed over her eyes to shield her face.

"Katy... Katy what's wrong?" I said, panicking, my eyes widening as I focused in on her. "Are you in pain? Do you want me to get someone?"

"I.... I'm so sorry," She said, almost inaudible amongst her sobs. I shook my head, thinking that was somehow a fragment of my imagination.

"What? What are you sorry for?" I said, squinting my eyes in confusion. I placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, but I wasn't too sure whether that was appropriate or not. She probably still hated me, but I wasn't here as a former lover... I was here as a friend. She needed comfort right now, more than ever.

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