Chapter Twenty-Six: Emptiness to Everything

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The entire time I was at Capitol in the meeting, I couldn't concentrate.

My mind, just kept replaying what my doctor said over, and over, and over.
You're pregnant.

I'm going to be a Mom. A mother. I was having a child of my own.
I've always wanted a child, but I didn't know if now was the right time.

Oh who am I kidding, of course it's not the right time. I'm smack bang in the middle of a worldwide tour. I can't have a baby right now, not when I'm performing. This can't be happening...

"Katy? Katy, are you here?" Tamra waved in front of my face, making me blink suddenly and focus back on the conversation.

"Yeah, yeah I am," I said, though I definitely didn't have the slightest clue what was going on at all. I'd just pretended to listen, while my thoughts had a mind of their own.

"So we'll do that then, yes?" Bradford asked, his eyebrows raised in question.

"Uh, yeah..." I said, pretending to know what they were talking about.

"Excellent. I'll email through what you need to know before the meeting on Friday next week. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a lot on my mind," I replied, placing a smile on my face as I collected the sheets of paper in front of me, shoving them into a folder and placing it under my arm.

"I've gotta go, I'll see you next week," I said, suddenly hurrying to get out of there. I placed my Ray Bans back over my eyes as I walked down the corridor of the studio and out through the revolving doors toward my car.

The sun pierced sharply onto my porcelain, pale skin as I hurriedly climbed into my car, closing the door behind me. I placed my hands onto the steering wheel, creating some form of a cushioning effect as I lowered my head onto them, and let the hot tears slide down my cheek. I couldn't do this...

I let myself cry alone in my car, for another ten minutes, like a scene out of a sad movie. I knew John loved me, and I loved him more than anything... But what would he say? This could potentially ruin everything we had. I wouldn't be surprised if he ran away, because that's just what I was used to, and subjected to all my life.
If you had a problem, you could just run away from them. But I couldn't. This baby was inside of me, not anyone else. This was my child... I couldn't run this time, as much as I wished I could.

I forced myself to lift my head up from the steering wheel, feeling dizzy as I did so. I wiped my eyes dry with the back of my hands, as I put my keys into the ignition and started up the car. I needed to clear my head... I knew there was only one place that I could go to right now. I placed my foot onto the accelerator and reversed out of the carpark, driving somewhat fast.

John's POV:

I was excited to see Katy tonight. I knew it had only been a couple of days since I'd last seen her, but I was lonely, and I missed her. I'd been working so hard in the studio, and she had been working towards the premiere for her concert film. I was glad that as of tomorrow we both had some time off, and we would be driving to my parents house in Montana, making a road trip out of it. My mom was smitten that Katy and I were back together, she adored her and they both got along like sisters, so I was pretty sure she wanted us to come just so she could see Katy again.

I had planned, in my head at this point anyway, some things for Katy and I to do. I was going to do some romantic things, like taking her horse riding, walking around the mountains and going for a hike, water skiing, and out to dinner at the abandoned hut I loved to spend time at whenever I was there. I knew she would love it, and it would be great for her to relax and spend some time with my family... Her future family.

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