Chapter Forty-Nine: A Precious Prominence

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We got home from Santa Barbara, now, over four days ago.

I'd gotten up extra early today because John and I were inspecting some houses that we'd picked out around Los Angeles, and some our personal realtor had assigned. I was really looking forward to it; I loved the idea of a fresh start - I lived for it. Basically because I'd done it so many times, and it was always a great thing. We'd actually been looking at houses during the free time John was spared from the studio since we'd gotten back, but without any success and luck in finding one we liked so far.

Nothing really caught our interest... They just weren't John and Katy. I could only hope we would eventually find our haven, a place to call home.

Besides from that, we were also having an ultrasound today. This wasn't just another check up; this was the most important one so far. It was my twenty-week scan, where all the medical tests would be carried out, and we could also find out if we were having a boy or girl, though we'd decided we wanted to keep it a surprise. I was kind of nervous, but more excited than anything right now.

I'd already showered and gotten myself changed, all before I'd usually even started to stir in my sleep. John was still in bed upstairs, and I'd decided not to wake him up, as much as I wanted to. He was exhausted, especially now that he was in the final stages of completing his record.

I'd dressed up in a pair of jeans and a trench coat, with a pair of matching ankle boots, though not with too high of a heel. I felt ready to accomplish things today, almost as if the world was my oyster.
Because, I guess in many ways, it was.

"Well good morning, good-looking!" I giggled as John's face appeared in the doorway, his body leaning against the wooden frame of it. He wiped his eyes, his hair messy though he'd obviously put on a new pair of clothes. He looked adorable, and I quickly made my way over to him.

"Hey baby," He said with his raspy morning voice as I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, leaning up to kiss him multiple times goofily.

"I never tire of waking up to this," He chuckled as I continued kissing his lips, feeling him bring me closer to him.

"Good," I giggled, before planting one final kiss as I moved my hands to comb his hair, looking into his gorgeous hazel coloured eyes.

"You want a coffee? Last one?" He chuckled, remembering I'd promised him that after the doctors' appointment today I'd wean myself off of it, as hard as it was going to be. I'd gotten myself into a routine of having it every morning now, so I wasn't too sure if I'd be able to go through with it.

"Yes please," I said, giving him a smile before I made my way into the living room from where I'd been sitting at the counter eating fruit salad and scrolling through my phone, as John moved to turn on the kettle. I flicked through the channels of the TV, not really finding anything that could catch my interest. I settled on an episode of The Brady Bunch, before re-adjusting myself on the sofa and cuddling into the soft throw I always used when I was on here.

"So, why're you up so early, anyway?" I heard him laugh as he walked through the doorway through to the living room, carrying two mugs of coffee.

"Because, I'm excited!" I giggled as I pushed myself off of the sofa and over to take the mug of coffee from him, making him laugh as I did so. I returned back to where I was seated on the sofa, with John sitting over on the loveseat, laying and placing his mug on his lap.

"I still bet it's a boy," He laughed, giving me a cheeky look, which I was more than happy to share back.

"And I bet it's a girl, but we're keeping it a surprise remember?" I sassed him, knowing the game he was trying to play right now. Yes, I was always a sucker for surprises and generally couldn't help but let my curiosity get the better of me, but this time I was determined to keep it under wraps. It was one of life's special moments... I wanted to treasure it as much as I could. It's not like the gender was going to change anything anyway.

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