Chapter Forty-Seven: I Will Be Found

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"Katy?" I said, my mouth dropping as I recognised her beautiful blue eyes, sparkling under the bright light of the moon above us.

"John. What're you doing here..." She said as she looked away, her voice cold and blunt. I instantly felt hurt by her words and the way she was acting, but I tried to not let it get to me. Yet, anyway.

"I could ask you the same thing..." I said, trying to regain the calm in my voice. I was pissed at her reaction. It was like she was disappointed that I'd found her. Is that really what I get for nearly driving myself crazy looking for her all night, thinking the worst? Thinking I'd lost her forever?

She didn't answer me, instead she kept her focus anywhere but on me. The silence was piercing, and it broke my heart to feel this way. I almost started to feel as if I must've done something... But I couldn't think of anything. I moved my head so I could see her side profile, her gaze out towards the parking lot.

I noticed a tear slip down her cheek, before I heard her start to cry again. I quickly rushed over to her, wrapping her in my arms as I sat beside her on the bench, cuddling her as close to my chest as I could, not caring whether she wanted me to or not. She was freezing cold, her hands like ice.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's alright, I'm here now..." I whispered into her ear as she sobbed into my chest, and though it broke my heart, I couldn't bring myself to do anything but just let her cry. I slowly moved away from her, unwrapping my arms as I slid my jacket off, before I placed it around her shoulders and pulled her back to me. I smiled to myself as I felt her hands snake their way around my neck, I guess she was giving me a clue she wasn't too mad at me for whatever it was that I must've done, assumably.

"I'm so... So, sorry," She cried into my chest, her voice muffled as she sobbed into my shirt. I gently placed my hand on her hair, slightly combing my fingers through it to relax her.

"It's okay baby, you're okay..." I whispered as she clung to me even more than before, her body feeling little, so tiny compared to my own.

"Let's get you into the car, c'mon," I said as she laid there with me, the cool wind of the night becoming almost unbearable to be out in. She didn't say anything, but watched as I gently pulled away, kissing both of her cheeks where tears had fallen as we stood up from the bench. I noticed how weak she looked, and it was then before we started to walk that I placed an arm under her knees and under her back, gently lifting her like a child. She wrapped her arms around my neck before she tucked her head into my chest, now not crying, but sniffling occasionally. I walked back with her, in my arms, to my car, thankfully not too far from where she had been sitting here.

I reached into the pocket of my jeans to get my car keys, before unlocking my car and unlatching a hand from under her legs to open the door, gently laying her down in the backseat. I climbed in after her, closing the door behind me as she looked out of the window, away from me, biting her lip in that adorable way she always does.

"I'm sorry, I, just... I just needed to get away," She said weakly, finally breaking the silence in the car, but not turning to look back. She leaned her head on her hand, her face broken and cold as she looked out towards the night. I struggled to understand what she meant by that, but I was so thankful I'd found her at least. That was something.

"I was worried sick Katy. I thought something happened to you," I said, sighing, as I reached over to touch her hand, which was still cold as ice.

"Please don't hate me," She said, her voice cracking as she spoke and progressed to cry again.

"I could never hate you, don't ever think that. What's wrong?"I replied as I caressed her face gently with my palm, making her turn her head to look at me, her eyes watering, her face puffy and swollen. I finally could see her face somewhat in the light coming in from one of the streetlights outside. She looked... Awful.
As in, I could tell she'd been crying for hours. It killed me to see her like this, but even more so that she didn't want to open up to me.

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