Chapter Thirty-Nine: Home Is Wherever You Are

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I stepped off of my private jet, the cool air hitting me instantly in the face. I inhaled a deep breath, before exhaling and finally bringing myself to walk towards the private terminal.

We'd finally arrived in Guangzhou, China, for the next show of the Prismatic World Tour. This would be where I'd be doing the first two shows of twelve in Asia, before finishing off the tour in South America later in the year.

"You alright babes?" I heard Mia say, making me turn around to face her as we continued to walk towards the customs area of the airport, something I couldn't avoid no matter how much I hated it.

"I am. Just a little tired," I replied truthfully. The flight honestly felt like it took forever. I'd had much longer flights than fifteen hours, but when you can't sleep, it makes it that much longer. My thoughts kept triggering around in my brain, and I missed John. I didn't even have anything to worry about, but somehow I always seemed to convince myself that I did.

"We can go straight to the hotel if you want?" She asked, slowing so she was walking directly beside me, Margot on her other side.

"No it's okay, I think I'm in need to walk around a little bit," I said, though I definitely felt like I could sleep for ten years. "What is the time anyway?"

"Uhh," Mia grunted, as she slipped her phone out of the pocket of her shorts. "It's just turned 1pm, are you sure you don't want to go and take a nap? We can do lunch another day?" She said with concern, knowing full well the impact touring and flying had on my health at the best of times.

"It's okay. I'll sleep later," I smiled, grabbing her hand and pulling a silly face, which she did back. I loved that I was getting to spend time with some of my closest friends while I was touring, it was a perfect collaboration of the two worlds I lived in. Mia and Margot, two of my closest girlfriends, who were otherwise known professionally as The Dolls, were the supporting act for me during this leg, with Ferras doing two shows for me also. I was really looking forward to doing some fun tourist-like things with them, I hadn't really done too much of that since the California Dreams Tour in 2011/2012.

My cousin Sarah, who was also one of my closest friends, would be joining us when we were in Japan. I was definitely excited for that aspect, we'd already planned some fun outings between shows. It made it so much more enjoyable touring when you had friends, it wasn't so lonely. The loneliness of touring was something that most normal, 9 to 5 working people would never understand. It was incredibly challenging and difficult to maintain, but I did it, because I loved it. There wasn't a single thing I would rather spend my life doing.

Usually we flew in a day or two earlier than the show date to settle, but this time around I'd wanted to spend as much time with John as possible back in LA, so I flew in on the day. The show started at 8pm, which meant that I'd be onstage by about 9:30. Usually I would have a nap before show, but I knew that if I went back to the hotel I would start to get myself down about being away from John, so I was doing my very best to distract myself.

The queue in the customs area was taking forever, even though we were a tiny entourage, so I decided to slip my phone out of the pocket of my jeans and turn it on. I impatiently tapped my fingernails across the glass screen of my iPhone as it lit up, loading itself. I smiled as I looked at my picture that I'd set as my background - a photo taken in Montana of both John and I when we were messing around the stable, the both of us pulling goofy faces as we looked at one another.

I clicked onto John's contact name, before moving my fingers to type him a text telling him that I'd arrived safely, and that I loved him. Simple things, just to let him know I cared. I had no doubt he was probably back at the studio, writing. He'd nearly finished writing most of the songs for his record, he was into the stages of selecting songs and actually laying down the tracks and such for them. A gruelling process, which I was rather happy I wasn't there to witness. It was never a pretty sight... You'd spend day after day at the studio for what seemed like such little progress. It was an endless, horrible process, but it was always worth it in the end.

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