Epilogue: Part I

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November 24th , 2015

"And that, my darling girl, is how it is done," John chuckled as he wiped his hands together, before letting out a sigh and wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Oh really? You think you're so smart don't you," I quipped back sassily, giving him an eyebrow raise equalled with a smile as I studied the room in front of us.

"I am smart," He was quick to remark, leaning against the doorframe beside me, his face cuter than ever as he gave me a sarcastic look back. "And besides, we can't all be lazy and eat ice cream!"

"Uh huh. Well if you excuse me, I have another person inside of me, which if I recall correctly, is fault of you," I giggled back, spooning yet another mouthful of the Ben & Jerry's container I had in my hand, into my mouth, shooting him a wink as I did so.

John didn't reply, instead he goofily rolled his eyes and pulled a silly face at me, which I radiated back, before he pulled himself up from where he'd been crouching as he placed the baby-proofing materials for the electrical sockets in walls, which we'd done to the entire house.

I laughed as I stood in the doorway resting my hand on my baby bump.
Boy, had this been a long nine months.

The baby is due in two days, which is coincidentally Thanksgiving, and to say John and I are completely relaxed over it would be lying - we were freaking out. We'd read every book there is but the impending arrival that would literally change our lives was something I found you couldn't really prepare yourself for until it happened. John and I were both really excited, and definitely a little nervous. This was a huge shift in our lives - life as we knew it was about to completely change in every way possible, for the better of course.

Since we moved into the house nearly four months ago, we'd both been working towards having time off after the baby comes, which meant we were working our asses off to get ourselves ahead so that we could relax after the baby is born. After doing the South American leg, which happened to be the final, concluding leg of the Prismatic World Tour, in August, I'd been at the studio almost every second of every day working to complete my fourth record.

Before I'd found out I was pregnant, I had it all worked out - I would finish the Prismatic World Tour, go back into the studio, and work towards the next record without any real motives or time constrictions. But that all changed, and both John and I had made amends to our careers so that we could work in family. Family was the most important thing to us right now.

John released his record just after I'd finished the tour, and he was scheduled to go on tour mid next year, for which I would join him with the baby while I'm maternity leave, of sorts, from my own career. I would then release my record, and I planned to tour after the baby's first birthday. We'd worked so hard to prioritise ourselves and make sure that we could spend as much time as we could together.

Besides working and completing our records, the both of us were also in the midst of planning our wedding, which we had set for August of 2016. Though it was definitely stressful, I really enjoyed it. I loved planning every single detail about what be another of the happiest, most beautiful moments in my life. When I wasn't in the studio, I'd been at home going through designs and concepts. I was a perfectionist, and I wanted every single thing about our day to be as perfect as possible.

I'd done so many things within such a short time frame to prepare myself, which I was actually very proud of. I'd taken weekly cooking classes, which meant that now the kitchen had actually become a friend and not a safety risk when I walked in. I'd developed a weird sort of passion for cooking, and I would always cook John and I dinner when he was at the studio most nights - though he, of course, would always the better cook of the two of us. I'd really become in love with idea of being a 'housewife', and I guess you could say that staying home so much meant that the paparazzi and insane craziness of my career ceased to bother me as much. I felt normal. I hadn't felt this truly happy and carefree in a very long time, and I was so grateful for that.

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