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When I wake up the first thing I notice is that I am strapped to whatever I am lying on. Whoever did this wanted to make sure I don't escape. My head is filled with immense pain while I slowly remember what happened. The question is, how did I end up back here? With back here I mean the red room.

I spend the next hour or so thinking about the past events. The fights, Oksana, the gas, Ingrid, and most of the time Natalia. I'm pretty sure Ingrid just said that to confuse me or something but there's still a small part of me that's trying to believe her words.

A quiet noise makes me come back to reality. The door opens and reveals my worst nightmare. Dreykov enters the room, followed by Melina.

"So, you thought you could betray me and walk away unscathed?" 

Dreykov's lips curl into a sinister smile, revealing a calculated malevolence as he walks toward me. 

"You were a loyal puppet, dancing to my tune, reveling in the spoils of corruption. But loyalty has its price, my dear widow."

Shit. I know this expression on his face. He's not here to kill me. He has a plan, a cruel plan to do something to me. He wants to destroy me from within while still being able to use me for his games.

"Melina, get her ready", Dreykov demands. 

"Are you going to kill me?"

I know it sounds crazy but in this moment I really wished he would unalive me. Remind me later to thank him that he didn't.

"You see, my dear Anastasia," he sneers, 

"I have a unique plan for you. Your memories, your past, they're all burdensome baggage. But fear not,I am here to liberate you." 


"You will become my pawn, an obedient piece in my grand design. No past, no identity, just a loyal servant at my command". 

I study his face. He is telling the truth.

"I would rather die", I spat out, looking him directly into his cold dark eyes. 

"Oh please,", his lips curl into a cruel smile, 

"you are far to valuable to just let you go." 

With that he turns around, leaving me alone with Melina.

I loved Melina once. She was there for Nat and me when no one else was. She helped us overcome our fears and emotions. Since my sisters death she completely transformed. Now, there is nothing left of her loving, caring side. She just became one of a hundred. A puppet in Dreykov's game. And I despise her for that.

She grabs my arm, a big syringe in her hand. Before I can say anything or even react she covers my mouth with her cold hand. 

"Would you shut up?", she says angrily. Her expression softens as she slowly takes her hand of my mouth. 

"You need to listen to me. Don't ask questions, we don't have time." she whispers, careful not to seem suspicious. 

"I'm gonna inject you saline solution. It doesn't do shit, it's just to cover up. It is extremely important that you don't tell anyone. Act it out. Fake it, I don't care, just don't get caught."

I would explain to you what the heck is going on, but I have no fucking clue. 

"What..." "No,", she interrupts me, "no questions. Just wait. You will understand when the time comes." With that she injects the liquid into my arm.

She cups my face in her hands. 

"You are so brave,", she smiles, "just like your sister. She is proud of you." 

I want to answer her but my eyelids are suddenly so heavy that I can't keep my eyes open. I'll just close them for a second. She put something in that injection that's for sure. 

"What did you...", I ask her. 


Excuse me?? 

"But just a little bit. It needs to look real you know" 

"Are you crazy?"

I swear to god I'm gonna fall asleep and never wake up. 

She shrugs. 

"Possibly" is the last thing I hear before I fall into a dreamless sleep.


A/N: Kinda short chapter but I swear it's gonna get interesting very soon as we will leave the red room behind us :)

Lots of Love, Nastja <3

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