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My steps echo softly in the vast corridors of the SHIELD headquarters, my caramel-colored curls bounce lightly with each step I take. 

As I round a corner, I almost collide with a young woman coming the other way. The woman, exudes an air of authority, her dark hair pulled back into a tight bun, and her clever brown eyes seem to miss nothing as they appraise me.

"Oh gosh, sorry about that," I say, stepping back to give her some space.

"No problem. Are you new here?" She asks, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Yeah, just doing an internship," I reply, feeling a flutter of nerves in her stomach.

The woman nods, seeming to understand. "Well, welcome to SHIELD. I'm Maria Hill."

"Anastasia Labzova. Nice to meet you."

"Oh wait, aren't you Romanoff's little sister? The new avenger?"

"Yes, Natasha is my sister and I'm not officially an Avenger yet because I need to proof where my loyalties lie nowadays."

"Oh yes, I forgot. But don't worry the whole trust thing is more of a formality." She smiles.

"Tell that Captain Rogers." I murmur.


"Nothing. I just thought out loud." 

Our conversation gets interrupted when Maria's phone rings. She glances at the caller ID and excuses herself, leaving me alone in the hallway.

I continue my way, my mind buzzing with thoughts of the mission. I try to find the IT department to gather all the information I need but am not given.

As I pass the cafeteria, I hear voices inside and pause, curiosity getting the better of me. Dumb mistake.

Inside, a group of SHIELD agents are chatting over lunch. I listen in as they discuss recent events, my ears perk up when I hear my name being mentioned.

"I heard Labzova got accepted into the Avengers Team," one of them says, sounding surprised.

The fuck? Why are they talking about me? I've never seen these people in my entire life but apparently they know everything about me. Great.

"Yeah, but only because of her sister," another replies, a hint of resentment in their voice.

A woman of striking beauty, with shoulder-length blonde hair that frames her face elegantly, says. Her piercing blue eyes convey both determination but definitely also a crucial side. Her posture exudes confidence,

I frown, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment. It stings to hear people dismiss my worth and reduce me to being the Black Widows Sister. They don't know anything bout me but still judge.

But my thoughts are soon consumed by the conversation again. 

"Well next week we'll be able to actually meet her. Guess who got invited to the Stark Party!", the blonde says excitedly. 

"No fucking way!", one of her friends screams out.

"Yea and guess who's gonna be there too!", the blonde says and winks to her mousy brunette friend. 

"Your man!" 


Who are they talking about?

"Wait who?" the red head standing next to them asks. 

"Gosh, you are so dumb sometimes. It is actually concerning. How did you get this job again?"

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