twenty seven

32 2 9

We sit down at the bar and I take the time to scan my surroundings. I now get why Stark parties are so popular. They truly are a lot of fun. 

Until Sharon walks through the glass door about 1 and a half hours later and destroys the beautiful picture. She looks stressed. 

"Ew, I didn't think she'd still come. At least she's late." Tessa says.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" I ask

She opens her small black purse to reveal some...

"Keys?" I ask

My friend flashes a mischievous grin before letting the keys sink back into her purse. 

"Sharon must've found another way to get in. Probably the window." she grumbles. 

"Or she just, you know broke the door open. She's a spy."

"Which is why I changed the lock." she grins

"What the actual fuck." I exclaim.

"Tess you are an insane!" Matteo chuckles

"Well thanks." Tessa says and smiles sheepishly.

"We haven't gotten to talk yet. You just left italy, right?" I say and turn to face Maddy's brother

"Yes, I went to University in Milan to get my Bachelor and decided to go for my masters in the US to push my baseball career. My father pulled a few strings and I got in. I feel horrible to be honest. My sister might not be right with a lot of things but it is truly unfair that I got in while such great minds get rejected."

"How did your father..?" I start

"Family secret." he says and winks. 

"Do I wanna know?" I ask

"Absolutely not." he laughs. 

As the party continues, the alcohol helps to ease the atmosphere and more and more people start to dance. 

I look at Matteo, he looks at me and we get up. 

I follow him through the masses of people until we reach the dance floor. 

"So what do you think about the USA so far?" I ask, practically screaming over the loud music.

"It's quite beautiful." he says and smirks at me.

I blush and Tony saves me from having to answer to that.

"Ladies and Gentleman, thank's for coming it's a great pleasure to have you all here tonight. I don't wanna yap for too long. We have successfully completed our mission retreiving Loki's scepter which will now be brought savely back to Asgard, where it belongs. Belive it or not, I will also use this moment to thank seomeone, our newest member, Ms Labzova over there. She has proven great bravery and talent and has officially been recognized as the 7th avenger. Lunchboxes with her face on it will launch in about a week. That was it. Have fun."

I walk over to Tony and engulfe him in a little hug. 

"Thank you." I whisper. I take a step back and introduce my friends. "These are Tessa, Blair and Madeline and her brother Matteo."

"Nice to meet you guys. I hope you're enjoying this so far. Just one tip before I have to leave you guys again; don't take any of the alcohol Thor offers you." he says and winks before vanishing into the crowd. 

"I'm so happy that Tony and you get along so much better. That is not easy, trsut me."

I laugh. 

"I'll get you guys some drinks." Matteo says and leaves us behind. 

"You guys are so cute oh my gosh!!"

"I don't know Maddy, he seems to much of a player for my type."

"That's what everyone thinks. He's never been in a relationship before. I even think he's a virgin. But don't tell him that I told you. He'd murder me." Maddy laughs and leans back on the leather couch we just sat down on. 

"Here you go. Guess who I just talked to!"


"Captain fucking America!"

"I hope you didn't swear in front of him..." I chuckle, earning confused looks. "Nevermind!"

"Anyways," he say. "he was soo cool and asked me all types of things. Who I am where with and stuff like that. He also asked if I was dating anyone or was like interested in anyone. That was lowkey super weird but he said one of his girlfriend's friends liked me."

"He has a what??" Blair asks.

"The blonde one." Matteo shrugs.

"Matteo, this is like super important. Did he call her his girlfriend." Maddy asks her brother

"No, no he didn't but it kinda seems like it. She never leaves his side, haven't you noticed?"

"Ohhh, no they're not together then." Blair says and let's out a relieved sigh. God I love them so much.

A thought pops up in my mind.  What if... oh my gosh I am so dumb. He meant Sharon. She's the one who's always around. She's the one he doesn't want to have here. Not me. This is either the answer and everything is great or I'm just being extremely delusional. That doesn't change that he's an asshole for saying shit like that and I need to do a little investigation before I forgive him just like that.

We sit down on the couch and I laugh at my friends' jokes as they tell me the stupidest stories. When it's time for them to leave, I accompany them until we reach the lobby and engulfe all my friends into hug. 

I walk over to Matteo and give him a kiss on the cheek. The same way he had kissed me when we first met earlier that night. I watch the black car drive away into the night and turn around to get back up again. The tower is a big old mess. 

At some point, Tony must have ordered Chinese food, so I grab one of the boxes and let myself fall on the couch again. Right next to Clint. Slowly everyone else gathers around the little coffeetable, including Maria Hill and Rhodey.  I look at the team and can't hide the big smile that creeps itself up my face. I am so happy to have them.


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