twenty nine

31 3 9

"Anastasia, you might wanna see this," Maria calls me over, a tablet in her hand. 

The Captain and I were just talking about the Maximoffs. 

"They're with Ultron."

"Umm, yes. How'd you know?"

"I guessed it. I mean they have someone in common."

"Not anymore," Hill says and hands me the tablet. Strucker on the floor, blood streaming out of a wound in his head. I remain silent. This should make me feel something, relief, even happiness maybe. But there is just ... emptiness. 

A minute later, all 7 Avengers are gathered around Maria. 

"I don't get it. Why send us this when you've just given a speech."

"Strucker knew something that Ultron wanted us to miss." Steve says

"Don't look at me like that. I feel like you guys sometimes forget that my memory is messed up." I say and shrug.

He sighs. "Ultron deleted everything we have about Strucker. But we still have the paper files."

Clint and I groan in unison. 

After what seems like hours we find an illegal waepon dealer that just came back from Wakanda. They all agree that thats the man we're searching for. 

"What comes out of Wakanda?" Banner asks. I'm genunily happy he did, I felt like I was the only one who didn't know. 

"Vibranium. The strongest Metal on Earth."

⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ 

The next morning we are on our way to the African Coast. An old boat is used as some sort of Manufactury for all sorts of illegal weapons. 

As we silently enter the ship, we split up into two groups.Cap, Thor and Tony directly approaching Ultron. Clint, Nat and I start to slowly come from all sides, cutting off all routes the twins and Ultron could take to flee. 

I wait in position, observing the scene in front of me. Pietro approaching Tony while Wanda stays behind. 

Steve does a horrible attempt to win the twins over, which just makes Ultron laugh; "I can't physically throw up in my mouth but..."

The robot falls into one of his monologues again, so when he suddenly attacks Tony and catches us all by surprise. 

As the both continue to fight each other, more robots materialize and start to attack with the help of the Maximoffs. 

As the fight intensifies, Pietro gets thrown off the drawbridge and crashes to the floor. Right in front of me. 

"What the..."

"Stay down." I say sternly but he attempts to stay up. 

"Don't let me say that again." I watch with certain amusement as pure purple enrgy surrounds my hands. Pietro seems to notice and, to my surprise, stays down. 

"We thought you were dead" he whispers when I leave him there. 

"The girl tried to warp my mind. I doubt a human could resist. Stay alert."

One after another, my teammates fall silent. 

"Hello?" No one answers through the headpiece. 

The next moment I feel a shiver run down my spine, my vision becomes blurry. Wanda. 

"Stop! It's her.", said in a thick Sokovian accent, is the last thing I hear before loosing conciousnes. 

I'm back. This is hydra. I am chained to a chair, having to endure the painful screams of the Winter Soldier. When I glance over, my vision get's so blurry that everything spins. The next moment, I am the one screaming. The white, hot pain fills ever inch of my body. 

"More! She can endure more!" 

"Sir this will have serious impact on her mind and body. I wouldn't recommend..." 

"No one asked for your opinion. I said double the dose." 

And again, the room spins. This time we're in the red room. The final exam. I hold the gun against the young mans head. I pull the trigger and... wake up.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know... I thought you were..." someone says right next to my ear. I open my eyes to look into Wanda's brown ones.

"Dead? I didn't think you guys would be alive either." I say.

"What are you doing with those people?" Pietro asks, standing next to his sister. 

"What?" I ask.

"The Avengers."

"I could ask you the same. What the hell are you doing with Ultron?" I say and lift myself up.

"He wants to destroy Stark. So do we. He's a monster." Pietro answers.

"No,no, no. Belive me, I know best that you shouldn' define someone based on their past."

"He killed our parents, Anastasia." He spits.

"I know, but Ultron isn't the answer. It's not to late." I say, sounding way more desperate than intended.

"No! We're gonna go now. Just know that if you stay with them, we're gonna treat you like one of them. An enemy." Pietro says and turns to leave.

"Wanda, please." I hold onto Wanda's wrist.

She just shakes her head and follows her brother, leaving. I slide down to the floor and let my head fall against the wall behind me and close my eyes, tired and exhausted. 

Sometime later, Clint picks me up and brings me to the jet. Everyone else is already there. A look at their disturbed faces tells me that Wanda attacked us all. I stumble over to Nat and hug her. We've both seen similar things, back then the only thing that kept us safe was eachother. It's the same today. 

Clint says something about flying us to a safehouse but I barely listen. I just stare at the ceiling and let my thoughts come to a rest.

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆

A/N: Sorry that this chapter is so short, I'll upload another one tomorrow tho. xoxo <3

P.S.: don't forget to vote and comment :)

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