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I wake up by a sudden loud noise. An alarm goes off and I and my fellow widows jump out of bed to get ready to fight. I run out of the sleeping hall while putting my hair into a ponytail, letting my long curls fall down my back. I haven't slept properly in weeks but the adrenaline keeps me awake. I open a thick iron door just to run into someone.

I look up into Melina's warm eyes. "Today", she says, "be ready" With that she runs down the hallway, not giving me a chance to ask what the fuck she's talking about. I grab my weapons of choice, two dangerously sharp daggers, and a handy small automatic before I follow the hundreds of widows, determined to fight whatever attacked us. 

I run outside on one of the platforms, the wind blowing my hair into my face. I see fire all around me, parts falling off the flying fortress. Then I see the helicopter ahead of me, coming nearer and nearer before it finally lands maybe 100 ft from me. I take my daggers out of their sheaths. 

The door opens and a handsome blonde guy climbs out. Okay, scratch that. He's hot as fuck. He stares at me, an offputting expression on his face. He slowly walks towards me, holding his blue and white shield securely in his left hand. 


"Who the hell is Anna"

He just looks at me and it's really impossible to read his thoughts. He stops walking, lowering his shield. "Okay so are you here to kill me or not?", I ask. "You're kinda waisting my time you know." Till this day I have no idea why I didn't attack him that day. I guess it was my instinct or something like that.

"Steve where the hell are you", a familiar voice asks, coming out of a small black device, secured at the man's belt. Nat. That is Nat's voice. The guy takes the walkie talkie thing and says "Found her" "What? Say that again!", the voice says. This time I am a hundred percent sure it is my sisters voice. She is alive. 

I sprint forward and grasp the thing out of the blonde's hands. "Hey!", he protests but doesn't even attempt to get it back. "Tasha??", I cry out. "Is that you?" "Yes, yes. Stay where you are. I'm coming." I lower the walkie talkie. Tears now streaming down my face uncontrollably. I look around. The red room is destroyed. It's just a matter of time until this all crashes to the ground. Where is everyone? I seem to be the only widow out here. 

"Nastja!" I hear someone yell and I twirl around. I laugh as I see my favorite red head running towards me. She tackles me down in the biggest, most loving hug ever and both of us just cry out the tears we had to hold back all those years. She takes my face in her hands. "You have grown up so much..." "And you have grown so old!" "Shut up!" She laughs. 

"I love you so so much. I always knew you could do it without me even though I never actually wanted it to happen. I know what I did is unforgiveable and it'll haunt me forever. I swear if I would've had the chance to take you with me... I promise I will never ever leave you behind again. If you let me" "I love you too", I say and hug her once more. "The important part is that you came back." I smile. "But I really need to ask you: how the heck did you do this? You just took down the red room!" "Melina...", Nat starts before the blonde interrupts her. I had completely forgotten that he was here too. 

"Sorry to interrupt but I don't know how much time we have left before this whole thing crashes down. We can continue the talking once we are in the air again." "We're are already in the air, dumbass." He rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean." "Okay okay, jeez. Someone's in a bad mood today", Nat says while laughing at the man. 

Natasha flies us out and I see the red room collapsing. "Where are the other widows?", I ask. "They're safe, don't worry. Melina used Oksana's gas on them.", Natasha smiles. "And Dreykov?" "Dead", she replies. "Did you see his body?" "There was nothing to look at anymore." "Good." 

I sigh. I can't believe he's gone. I'm free. We all are. I look over to the blonde guy sitting across from me. He won't stop staring. Once he notices my questioning expression he says:"Sorry I didn't introduce myself..." "Wait. I think I remember you!" "Really?", his face lights up. "Of course I do. Sorry the whole brainwashing thing kinda fried my brain.", I laugh. "I spend years studying you. I don't think Natasha told you but I was trained to kill you. Together with the Winter Soldier."

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

A/N: Steve when Nat and Anastasia finally reunite: 🧍🏼‍♂️lol

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