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"We must dig into this and gather as much information as possible. If what Little Romanoff says is true, we need to be prepared." 

Once again I find myself sitting in the conference room with the Avengers. Clint and Nat give me reassuring smiles while the Captain stares at me with a concerned expression. 

"Zaya, you need to give us as many details about the location of this lab and anything you know about it. Are those two other teenagers dangerous?" 

"Yes and no. Let's just say you don't want them as your enemies." 

Tony sighs. "Banner and I will get on the Location. Legolas, Romanoff, you'll try to find out as much as possible about those two others. Thor, you'll take Capsicle and try to find out any important information about the scepter." 

"What about me?" 


"What about me? How can I help?", I ask. 

"Well, right now that would be a little complicated. We, no, actually I decided that it is better if you go out there. Into the world you know. Leave that whole assassin thing behind for a couple of weeks. Shield and also we need to see that you are normal now."

"What the heck? I'm super normal."

"First of all, you are far from normal. You are a trained assassin infused with super soldier serum-like substances and apparently also have some magic powers. You have that all-inclusive deal. That is great. Oh, wait. Genius thought incoming... Pandora! Oh, that's absolutely brilliant."


"Your superhero name. You said you wanted to be part of this. No one here goes by their names. Well except Thor but that doesn't count because he's not even from here. As I said, you have the all-inclusive superhero package. And the name Pandora literally means all-inclusive. Pandora can be a beauty or pain. Just like you. Damn, I'm amazing. Don't tell me that's not genius."

"Sure, why not?" I seriously don't care. 

"Great. Now where was I?" He grins. 

"You were trying to explain to me why you want me to go out there."

"Oh, yea. Right. So um I just think it's good for you to get used to live again. Your sister agrees with me, right Romanoff?" 

I quickly glance at Nat. "Yes. Zaya, before you say anything, let me explain.", she says. 

"There is this university, right here in NYC, only minutes from the tower. You can live a more normal life for a while and still train for the upcoming mission. We just need to convince Shield to let you go with us." 

"I need to think about this, okay?" 

"Sure, tell me about your decision tonight. Lemme just say that I really encourage you to do it. I really want you to join the team officially as soon as possible." 


I leave the tower, breathing in the cold autumn air. I don't even know where I am going, I just hang in my thoughts, not even realizing where my feet are taking me. I walk through the city, loud noises following me all around. I am absolutely not used to this. I am not saying I don't like it, it's just new. Tasha is right. I should go to that university. Maybe make some normal friends.

The noises ebb away and before I realize why or where I am, I bump into an all to familiar person. Actually the last one I expected to see here. 

With here I mean a graveyard, in the middle of New York. 

"Captain. I'm so sorry. I did not expect to see you here."

"Neither did I", Steve gives me a tired smile. "What exactly are you doing here?", he asks. "I thought you've never been to New York."

"No, no, I haven't. I just, I don't know, followed where my feet lead me. I was so caught up in my thoughts. That happens a lot since I came here. I am desperately trying to get my memories back. Even tho I know they're gone forever." 

"Had any success?", he asks. 

"No, sadly not." 

Steve nods slowly. 

"So what are you doing here?", I pick up the conversation. again. 

"Me? I am umm visiting someone. Someone from my past. I have to admit I come here rather often." He glances to the ground next to us. 

"Here lies James Buchanan Barnes - Son, Brother, Soldier - Died sacrificing his life for peace"

"A friend of yours?"

He nods.

 Then I notice another grave. Right next to James's. It seems to be his sisters. I do not know why but her name reminds me of something. Something important. I brush it off. It's probably just my mind playing tricks on me. The headstone reads:

"Here lies Anna Margaret Barnes - Daughter, Sister, Soldier - Died fighting for justice"

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

A/N: 145 readers, it's getting more, yay! Lots of Love, Nastja <3

P.S.: Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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