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Eryn pov

Once we arrived at the restaurant, my dad went straight to hostess for register.

"whose name did you book in sir ?" said hostess.

"under Yang Jeongin." said dad.

While my dad was dealing with the hostess, i was stunned by the perception of this restaurant.

'what mom said earlier was right. Mr.Yang family were very very rich. ' i said in my mind.

"all right. You all can follow me." said the hostess while show the way.

The hostess show us the table that where Mr.Yang was.

"JEONGIN! " my dad said while waved to Mr.Yang.

"SUNGHOON! " said Mr.Yang while gave my dad a big hug.

'and this how when father greeting father was. hahaha so shamely but fun.'

My mom and I were also greeted Mrs.Yang and here I got my compliment again. I saw her reaction toward me, she was shocked on when she saw I already been a teen.

"OMG! is this you Eryn? You look so gorgeous ! Last I saw you when you in 3 year old same like my son age. And now, Wow! I cant stopped compliments on you. I think, I'm going old now. " I flustered and chuckled for what she said.

Then, she come to me and whisper to my ear and say

"also dear,I think my son will attract with your stunning perception when he look on you "she said with thrilled.

'I really want a mother in law like she in future.'

"Mrs.Yang, this is for you. " I said while hold her a container full of cookies that my mom was baked earlier.

"wow. Thank you so much dear, I really appreciated it. Ohh. By the way, my son went to the toilet a minutes. But, it okay. He will join us later. "Mrs.Yang said

'I wondered, who Mrs.Yang's son is? 'i said in my mind.

After have some greeted moment with them, Mr.Yang already order us a food .The food were full on our table with many decoration.

Suddenly, someone 's voice spoke behind my back.

" I'm sorry if I'm late."he said.

"It's okay son. Come and join us,you can seat next to Eryn. " Mr.Yang said .

I just wanna to give a smile toward Mr.Yang's son ,but suddenly my smile dropped after saw who was it.


"JUNGWON? " i said while had eyescontact again with him.

"Hi Eryn. " jungwon said toward me .

" is it both of you already met together? "Mr.Yang asked.

"at school. She was my seatmate. "said jungwon.

"Aww. So sweet. It looked like You two already been soulmate . It destiny that you two are indeed destined to be together. So, in two weeks we can do the wedding ceremony already " Mrs. Yang said.

"who will get the wedding ceremony? "i asked.

"You and Jungwon. "my mom said.

"Ehh?"everything my movement was stopped after heard it from my mom and i just stay like that shockly.

"you two will get marriage on upcoming two weeks"my dad said.

I just keep my tears from falling in front them while ate. I just kept silent since earlier. It doesn't like want to eat again. I just like acted that i enjoy the dinner and put a smiled face. But, the true is I want to cry.

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