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Eryn pov

Next morning

I opened my eyes and saw rays of light behind the curtains from this dark . I also saw Jungwon still hug me on my waist. It like he didn't wanted to let it go on me. My dizzy was gone and I didn't puke again. Then, I'm placed my right hand on my forehead to feel if is I still in fever.

'I think, it gone. '

With that, I'm trying to sit up,but I felt his hand on my waist was getting tighter. I heard he say something.

" I'm still incharge my energy" his mean , he charge his energy with hug me . His morning voice was gave me shivered.

"But-I need to prepare our breakfast. I can't skip my breakfast. If I skip it, my gestric will coming. It painful you know. " I said.

"Alright. "he let go his hand from my waist and suddenly he ignored me with he turn to other side, not faced me .still lie down on his bed. I think he continued with his sleep.

'did I ruined his mood? '

I get up and make the bed. Before I leaved,I went to his wardrobe first and steal his hoodie and short pant again. After that, I walked out and went to his sister room for take a shower.

After I done it, I took my phone and went to the kitchen for make a breakfast.I made a some yogurt fruits. (idk what it called it 😭) it consists of blueberries, strawberries, apples and mangoes that I saw in the fridge. I cut it and put all of it on a big bowl. Then, I mix it with put some yogurt in it .

I brought it to the dining table while I scrolled my phone. Meanwhile I enjoyed my meal, Eva texted me.

Text pov



8.30 am

yess, why?

It your fever already gone?
Please, help me. There a boy was helping me with bullied when you are absent!! 😭😭but he handsome.
8.31 am

Yahh, yah!!
Who is that boy, did I know him?
8.32 am

I think,you aren't. Just come to school tomorrow. I will showing you .
8.33 am

8.33 am



Eva pov

'It gonna be a boring day caused Eryn was absent. she must has her loving doving day at home with jungwon'

I sighed. " I need to search my partner quickly if didn't want this boring day happen again. If I has one, it not gonna being boring when Eryn absent caused there has someone was with me."
I nagging on myself.

Now, it still our period time . Just waiting for the rescess time. Then, the bell rang.

"great.now I will enjoy my recess alone. " I said.

I don't feel want to eat at cafeteria this time.caused when I eat at the table alone, people will looking at me what if they says like.. .

"it is she don't has friends? "

"why she alone, where her best friend? "

"she doesn't suit in our group to call her. "

So, I think I will just buy it and eat it at the rooftop. I can see the view from up there. The air also fresh.

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