31- secrets

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Ansh- avi remember the day you got drunk..

The previous days

After shopping

Ansh- avi you can't escape me every time , you have to answer my questions, are you happy with this marriage.

Avi- what kind of question is this ansh , of course I'm happy and have you seen papa , look how much happy is he , so don't think too much and just enjoy like others.

Ansh- then who is Ryan..?

' Avi was shocked to the core , because she didn't have any idea about telling ansh about Aryan '.

Ansh- avi where are you lost , I'm asking something who is Ryan.

Avi- wh..what are you talking about , I don't know any Ryan .

Ansh- avi don't test my patience, I asked who the hell is this Ryan .

Avi- Ryan was my ex boyfriend.

Ansh- from when.

Avi- huh.

Ansh- when did he became your ex , when did you both broke up?

Avi- what are you asking , I told you before that he was boyfriend in college and we broke up at that time only.

Ansh- do you still love him.

Avi- wh..why are you asking me this question.

Ansh- just answer me damn , do you love him ' he asked holding her shoulders'.

Avi- n..no.

Ansh- lie , lie one more lie.

Avi- huh .

Ansh- did you meet him again.

Avi- n..no.

Ansh- avi I'm not here to listen all your lies, I know the whole truth , I just want to hear it again from your mouth .

Avi- ho..how .

Ansh- yesterday.

Avi- huh..

Ansh- yesterday when you were drunk , you told me everything about the reason of your break up , misunderstanding, patch up , secret dating and again break up , but the thing I don't know is who the hell is this Ryan , and now you are going to tell me about him in your senses.

Avi- leave it ansh , it doesn't matter now , it's already late .

Ansh- it is not avi , tell me who is he .

Avi- but.

Ansh- no buts avi , I want to know his name .

Avi- ary..Aryan.

Ansh- Aryan , wait ..is he Aryan , Aryan khurana, your boss.

Avi- hmm.

Ansh- are you dumb or what avi , you both love each other , then how can you just broke up with him .

Avi- because I can't back off from this engagement.

Ansh- who is stopping you.

Avi- my heart is not allowing me , my heart is not allowing me .

Ansh- avi don't put your love at stake for a silly promise.

Avi- it's not the thing of promise , I can't put Papa's pride at stake for my selfishness.

Ansh- bacha nothing will happen to his pride .

Avi- are you sure ansh , nothing will happen , no one will ask why did he break off the engagement just a week before , no one will say that he is not the man of his words , are you sure ansh.

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