36- Something is wrong

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Hey my lovely bunnies before i start this part i want a favour from you all , as everyone knows these that, this book is going to get completed , only few chapters are left , so can we complete 50k reads before the book got complete .

And one more thing , actually i am really confused between these two names , please tell me which one is better it's Aarvi or Arvika , i'm really confused , both names are really beautiful and have really beautiful meanings , so i'm giving this work to you all to choose one , whichever you like the most.


After their tiny miny celebration both slept in each others arms ..

Avi- today is going to be the best day of our lives.

Aryan - Tomorrow will be the best day of our life.

'Since morning Aryan was busy attending the phone calls and replying his birthday wishes messages'

Avi - Ryan let's go , we have to go somewhere.

Aryan - where?

Avi - let's go na , i will tell you everything in the way.

Aryan - avi , suddenly , is everything ok.

Avi - yes baba , let's go , we are getting late.

Aryan - ok , just a minute.

' They were moving towards car when suddenly avi ran towards driver seat and opened the door'.

Avi - Please have a seat my love.

Aryan - thank you miss.

'She ran towards her side and get settled on it'.

Aryan - hmm , so today is my birthday that's why i'm getting this prince treatment.

Avi - their is no need for a special day , to make you feel special and give you prince treatment , you are my love and i will do this for you , everyday , because you are special.

Aryan - i love you avi.

Avi- i love you more ryan .

Aryan - hmm , so where is my gift?

Avi - we are going for that only.

Aryan - okie.

Avi- yes , now take the next right from here.

Aryan- ok , but where are we going.

Avi- stoppppp.


Aryan- temple , avi what are we doing here , you said we are going for getting the gift.

Avi- your gift is inside only .

" Aryan was really confused at this moment, by shrugging everything he decided to follow avi".

Aryan - now what?

Avi- what what , we are in temple , so pray.

Aryan- you brought me here to pray.

Avi- yes.

Aryan- avi we just came here early in the morning.

Avi- but right now it's special.

Aryan- why are you talking in puzzles , tell me clearly what do you want to say.

Avi- I just want to say that , close your eyes and pray to god.

Aryan- ok baba , as you say.

Few minutes later

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