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Today they both wake up early in the morning to prepare about the meeting..


Mr Smith - hello Mr khurana, it's pleasant to meet you.

Aryan- same here Mr . Smith.

Mr. Smith- hello miss..?

Aryan- let me introduce her ,she is Miss Avika Thakur, my secretary.

Mr. Smith- ohh hello miss thakur pleasure meeting you.

Avi- same here Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith- well I must say you are really beautiful miss thakur.

Avi- ohh hmm thank you.

Aryan- let's start the meeting.

Avi- jealous much " she whispered".

Aryan - I will show you the real meaning of jealousy tonight baby" he whispered back".

Avi- shut up pervert.

Aryan- I'm stating the fact only .

Time skips.

Mr. Smith- it was such a nice thing to have you both here , we are looking forward for our collaboration and it will be a pleasure to meet you both again at conference, and miss thakur please wear something black it will look good on you. " He said while forwarding his hand towards avi for a handshake"

Aryan- we are heading back mr.  smith, will see you again in conference, it was PLEASURE meeting you " he said taking his hand for handshake".

Mr. Smith - yeh sure.

" He left"

Avi- yayyy finally we did it Ryan.

Aryan- yess my bacha.

Avi- but he is so flirty.

Aryan- that's why you should stay away from him.

Avi- leave him , finally we got our deal yayyy " she started doing her happy dance"

" She was doing her happy dance while Aryan was looking at her smiling and admiring , suddenly her heel broke and her feet got twisted and she landed on the road".

Avi- ahhhhhh.

Aryan- avi , are you fine , are you hurt , show me , is it hurting anywhere.?

Avi- ahhhhh Ryan my foot is hurting.

Aryan- show me , it's sprained avi , wait seat here I will bring something.

" He made her seat on the nearby bench and ran towards the medical store to buy some medicine and pain relieving spray".

Aryan- here , show me your foot.

" He started applying the spray on the affected area".

Aryan- it's not that much deep but you have to take care of it , and no more dancing.

Avi- yess , but it's hurting how will I walk , we have to go to tower bridge.

Aryan- we will go their tomorrow.

Avi- how ? We are going to Camden tomorrow." She said while being all sad".

Aryan- ok then , hold this

" He said while showing her handbag with some files ".

Avi- what are you trying to do.

Aryan- for now I'm just carrying you.

" He said while picking her up in bridal style".

Avi- but Ryan ! Where are we going.

Aryan- for now we are going to our hotel and after that according to plan.

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