The Beginning...

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"I get told you nearly died by a weapon of mass destruction. What else would I be doing here? You have no idea how worried the base was for you, Gharian worried for you as soon as he woke up."

"How is the kid? He made a recovery I hope?"

She smiled.. Kal you never smile...

"Yea he made a recovery. Gavial is gonna have a fit with you but she's just happy both you are ok."

"Yea.. I'm prepared with the consequences. Anyways what do you need Kal? You don't follow me unless you have a reason."

"It's time to come back, Kaiser."

The Commander heard that, her expression changed. Bismarck was saddened

"I know... I know... but I ain't leavin alone nor am I leavin without a word. I'm gonna throw a party, celebrate everything." He turned to the commander "A celebration to boost moral wouldn't be a bad thing right Commander?"

She sighed but finally spoke

"No it wouldn't, much as we love you being here you have duties elsewhere. I will call everyone to the atrium. Let you tell them the news and plan the party."

Atrium, 5 minutes later.

Kaiser walks up to the podium, multiple murmurs are heard since nobody knew he was up and walking. He tapped the mic to get everyone's attention.

"Ladies of Azur Lane, it is with a heavy heart I must bid you all goodbye." Again the crowd murmured and some even yelled no "But I am not leaving so soon and with nothing to show for it, through our fight we have reunited Sakura Empire, Iron Blood, and Azur Lane proper back into one banner."

He took a breath

"I am proud of you all. I have trained with you, fought with you, and laughed with you. I have enjoyed every moment of being here, All of you are like family to me. While yes I may be leaving I will return to check up, but that is later. With the authorization of Valentina I am hosting a party in celebration of our victory and of my leaving."

An uproar of people yelled, in celebration of the victory and in getting to spend one last day with Kaiser.

"I would like Belfast and the Royal Maids to help me with this, I trust their judgement on parties fully. Enterprise, Bismarck, Nagato, I wish all three of you to help me set things right with each of your factions. I myself will be doing the cooking, I will make a grand feast for you all!"

He calmed the uproar once again.

"Iris Libre, Iris Orthodoxy, Dragon Empery, and Sardegna Empire, I do apologize for never meeting you in person to invite you to Azur Lane but I am glad you girls are here and I am honored to have been allowed to study your culture and be apart of it. And to the Sirens loyal to my beloved Kaiserin: you are free to follow me to my home, same goes for any one of you, you are allowed to visit any time. Now, let us prepare the festivities!"

For hours the port was bustling, people moving items around, placing lights, setting chairs and tables even a stage.

Kaiserin went to her husband, sensing something was a miss..

"Leibe? What have you got planned?"

"Whatever do you mean Darlin?" He asked slyly

"I can see your thought process. It's not hard to deduce your doing something." Even now she could see his plans.

"Know me too well love, I'm planning a few songs for the night. Let them all have fun.. after all we won that battle, I don't wanna leave without celebration."

"You know she's not dead right?"

"Oh I know, but she had enough damage to her pride and ego she's gonna end up the same way that happened to you. Except she isn't gonna find someone like me."

"I'm glad you helped Kaiser... I wouldn't have found what love is, wouldn't have found my humanity so to speak."

She fully walked up to him, embracing her husband into a hold she kissed him.

"I am glad you found me in the first place darlin'."

They separated after a while, he needed to continue planning and Kaiserin needed to go check in on Purifier.

"Wonder how Tera is gonna react when she comes with me. Someone who can rival my power certainly won't be liked." He said queerly murmuring to himself.

The Doctor of Azur Lane [UNDER REVISION] / (Wattys 2024)Where stories live. Discover now