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I've been driving through the countryside for five days before I stumbled across a small town. Upon entry there is a small rusted welcome sign, flipped upside down and weakly swaying in the wind. Half of the words are missing while the population number has faded completely.

I can barely read the sign but once I do I quickly recognize the word, Somerset. I've never been here before but the town is well known for its shady businesses and petty crimes that often took place. It was dangerous for sure and riding through the small town by myself would only put a target on my back.

My truck slowly rolls down the gravel road, kicking up dust and dirtying the rims. I try not to stare but I can't help but watch some of the strange looking people.

There's a woman standing by the corner of a red brick building with an annoyed look on her face. She's wearing a bra underneath a black fur coat, a short skirt and fishnets tucked into worn high heels. She keeps running a hand through her messy hair, while smoking a cigarette and looking around.

Her foot taps impatiently against concrete and when a man strolls towards her, she forces a smile. They exchange a few words before they both round the corner and disappear off together.

Across the street there's a man walking, his lips are moving but there's no one else there. I'm pretty sure he's so high off something that he doesn't realize he's talking to himself. At that he keeps twitching, his skin looks like it's peeling and he keeps scratching at his neck until it bleeds.

I keep my truck rolling, even when I spot a child outside of a clinic possibly waiting for someone. I can't tell how old she is but I highly doubt they're old enough to be alone. Regardless of, the little girl manages to keep herself entertained by kicking the ball against the wall looking bored out of their mind.

There's a few more people outside roaming around that look relatively normal. Some are openly starting me like I've grown two heads. Others are hidden in their homes, peering out of their windows and watching a mysterious black truck ride through their town.

I was practically a walking target out here but I didn't plan on staying in Somerset for long. I was only here because I was low on food and my heat was nearing. I estimated six hours tops before I went into my heat. This meant that I had a couple of hours to grab some food and find a place to isolate myself until it was all over.

As I drive around the small town I soon realize that I cannot find any convenient stores, but there is a bar. They usually had merchants working the place which meant I'd be able to grab a few things before I go.

Pulling up to the building, I park on the side. There's a group of men just outside the doors talking amongst each other. One eyes my truck and nudges another guy to his right who then looks right at me.

I keep an eye on them, turning off the car and stuffing the keys into my pocket.

My head is beginning to ring and the longer I take to get to a bed, the worse my headache is going to get. Popping the glove compartment open I sift through my map and gun until my fingers brushes against a pill bottle. Made completely out of medicinal herbs and spices, it was the only medication I could take to help with my migraines.

Though it hardly put a dent in the pain I didn't have to worry about the pill clashing with J3.

I take three dry, and force myself to swallow the bitter medication before tossing the bottle into the middle console with a small sigh.

Pink neon lights flashes and floods the inside of my truck as I unzip my duffel bag and pull out my switchblade. Stuffing it into my jeans I slip out the car and brush past the group of men wearing all black suits. I can feel them watching my every move and when I glance back at them the man in the front, who I assume is the leader, smirks at me.

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