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I slowly sit up with a low groan, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and swallowing despite having a dry throat. My head still hurts but not as bad as last night and my body feels sore, like I've ran a marathon.

Once my eyes adjust to dim lighting, I take in the dingy surroundings of a motel room. The walls are faded red, the carpet is black though I'm sure they're supposed to be anything but and there's a strange gray stain on one of the walls. One of the lamps sitting on the nightstand is missing its shade, and a phone sits off the hook with the dial tone quietly playing on repeat.

Across the room is a wooden table, there's two chairs and one is occupied by a hunched over figure.

I can't tell who they are or what they're doing but the moment they push their hoodie back I recognize the blonde hair from that bar.


He turns, running a hand down his face, the other clutching an old telephone. When he finally turns to face me, he cocks his head to the side and then he grins mischievously. "Morning sunshine, how'd you sleep?"

I don't even remember going to sleep,come to think of it I don't remember coming to a motel either.

I eye him carefully, as I crack my neck. "What happened?" I can hardly remember the events that took place last night. I know for a fact that my heat came early, I also know that I blacked out and possibly hurt someone. Screaming and blood comes to mind but when I try to put a face to it, or even a name I end up drawing out a blank.

Jamie leans back in the rickety chair with a smile on his face. "You seriously don't remember a thing that happened last week?"

"A week?" My eyebrows furrow together. "What do you mean a week? I should've been out for twelve hours at the most."

"Nope, it's definitely been a week."

"What happened?" I ask again.

I couldn't have possibly been out for a week. I would have been in and out of consciousness if that was the case. Yet, I don't remember anything, it just feels like I've been asleep for a while. Almost like I've gotten too much sleep.

Jamie whistles and tips his head back. "Where do I even start? How about the fact you murdered Bullets' little play thing in cold blood. Took one look at the girl and decided to quite literally crush her throat." Jamie eyes me again, the same way he did like when he first met me. "I probably should have seen that coming though. No one normal walks around with an eye that changes colors. Especially red."

He chuckles to himself and shakes his head, "Anyhow you killed Caitlin before we could get you off of her, and then you turned towards Marty ready to do the same. You're awfully strong, hell I'd say even scarily strong so I had no choice but to give you some jet."

My frown deepens, "what's jet?"

Jamie digs through his pocket and pulls out a syringe that looks somewhat like an epipen. The difference is that it's thinner, and transparent but the needle is still small. Inside the syringe the liquid is clear with a barely there milky white color floating around.

I stare, and I stare and I stare. My anger begins to boil and I feel my face getting hot. "You fucking drugged me..." I send Jamie a terrifying glare. One that has him shifting in his spot in extreme discomfort.

Drugging me is possibly the worst thing that he could've done to me. There are so many unknown side effects that could end up causing a multitude of neurological problems when my heat comes back. My black outs could become worse, the anger and violence was already bad. There's no telling what could happen.

My body shakes in rage as I stand and approach Jamie, ready to rearrange his face. Yet the moment I do he jumps up from his chair and backs himself against the wall. His hands are raised and yet there's an almost playful smile on his face.

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