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Akeno, 22

Two Years Ago

I walk through the house, my chains brushing against my bare chest. My jeans hang low along my waist and the heavy boots I wear makes the floor creak beneath my weight.

I light a cigarette and shove it between my lips as I maneuver around a table stacked with cash. It's not the smartest to be smoking a cig while high on jet, it fucks with my head but I'm at least trying to quit chain smoking. I've come down from a pack a day to just one whenever I'm stressed. Prior to now the last time I smoked was three days ago.

It's hot inside, humid too but jet needs to be cooked at high temperatures to ensure its potency. It's something I learned as I began experimenting with the drug. Working day and night to turn it into something more so that I could profit off of it.

Luckily I excelled in chemistry and after a few trial and errors I was able to increase the potency without causing a quick overdose. It's stronger, lasts longer and gets the job done without the addiction hitting you as fast.

I didn't really have a choice or maybe I did but ever since that incident in Somerset I was set on finding a cure to my sickness.

After I agreed to help Jamie we immediately went to work. The jobs that we picked up always varied depending on the client. They started off small at first. Sometimes we'd have to break into a house and steal some documents, strong arm rival gangs into backing off claimed territory.

I thought it would be easy and for a while it was. I didn't have to worry about hurting the innocent and when my heat came I found myself functioning like it never existed. I do a job, I get a name. Mark it down and wait for the next. It was easy and simple and during this time I stayed away from jet.

I never really even thought about it and I figure Jamie was probably lying about how easy an addiction could come out of it. And even though I was able to let my heat loose on those that deserved it, the process was still painful and at times overwhelming.

During the time I was doing what I thought was right I was making so much money that allowed me to travel the continent, cross the seas and oceans like my father once had. I meet new settlements and different groups of people. Sometimes I come across war torn land and help when I can. It's a stark reminder of how blessed I was to have a good childhood. It kept me humbled and grounded while I traveled the world.

Other times I come across a group of people who's settlements are thriving. The people welcome me like an old friend and show me a kindness that reminds me of my mother. It makes me miss my family all the more but I know being around them wont change who I am.

As time progressed the jobs me and Jamie did became more complicated and dangerous. Somerset had become a thing of the past, long forgotten as my goals began to change as I went..

Stealing and stiff arming a few people eventually turned to us torturing a couple of men, burning down a cities, and inciting insignificant, petty wars that would never amount to anything. I'm not really sure how I got to that point or agreed to it all. I just know that the more blood I spilled the more I could feel my humanity slipping. The feeling that accompanied it eventually began to chip away at my soul.

I had never been brought up in an environment where violence was encouraged and I tried to hold on to that for as long as possible. I clung desperately because that last thing I wanted to be was a monster with the capability of tearing through a city. My mother and father would be disappointed in me, I was better than that.

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