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Part 2

Emiko, 16

I spin around slowly, my lips parting in awe as I take in the swanky bright lights and blue paint that gives the room an underwater feel. There are plenty of empty water tanks that surround us and barely readable, silver plaques that give information on the marine life that was once housed here.

Drawings line the walls from a range of cartoonishly drawn guppie fish and seaweed to massive great white sharks with sharp toothy grins. Some of it is scratched up or completely gone but shockingly enough a decent chunk of the art remains.

In the center of the room is a rounded tide pool, a temporary home for rays, starfish and sea urchins alike.

Sadly all of the ocean life is long gone, nothing remains with the exception of algae overgrowth. I'm sure this place hasn't been cleaned in centuries because it's making the water tanks and acrylic tunnels look like it's been growing fuzzy green grass.

"How did you find this place?" It was like a one in a million chance to actually find an aquarium that isn't sitting under a pile of rubble or ash.

"I found a couple of old maps inside our library, most of it was useless but the others I used to do some exploring."

"This find is insane." I turn back to Akeno with the biggest smile on my face. "Seriously, I think you've more than outdone yourself this time."

"I hope so, it took me weeks just to figure out how to get the generator working."

"I can't deny it even if I wanted to, this has probably been one of the most memorable nights of my life." I grin, tilting my head upwards at the lights with a dreamy look on my face. "I don't think I'll ever forget it."

"It's your birthday present. I know I'm a few days late but... Happy birthday Emiko." His voice is kind and welcoming while his gaze is burning and yet so, so tender.

I feel those butterflies again and can't help but to place a hand on my lower belly. "Thank you, Akeno." I whisper back softly, yet somewhere in the back of my mind I start to feel apathetic of it all. "Honestly I wasn't expecting much this year."

"They forgot again... didn't they." He asks slowly, studying my face carefully.

I swallow thickly, trying my best to keep my eyes from watering. I should be happy, elated even, not on the verge of breaking down and crying.

"It's not their fault." I start, tucking my hands into the pockets of the oversized jacket. "They have a lot going on and expecting more than what they can give would be selfish of me. I have to be realistic." So I don't get my feelings hurt even worse than what they already are.

Akeno scoffs, and crosses his arms over his chest. "Getting the bare minimum doesn't make you selfish and it doesn't make you a burden either. They're your fucking parents it's the least they could do."

I don't respond, instead I walk halfway around the small tide pool to gather some space. Sometimes being too close to him makes my thoughts scramble.

"Is that why you've been so quiet lately?" Akeno questions.

"It's not what you think, or maybe I'm just wording it wrong." I shake my head. I can barely look at him, too embarrassed of my own problems to meet his gaze. They almost seem trivial, silly and almost childish compared to his. "But it's not just that. It's so much more."

"Tell me." His voice is soft.

I sigh, my eyes dropping to the muddy boots on my feet. "Sometimes I feel like I don't know who I am." I bite down on my bottom lip. "Both of my real parents died during the war and I was adopted by mom and dad not long after."

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