Chapter 8: Conversations with gods and gorgons

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A/n: Oopsie another mostly convo one hehe :)

Y/n began to walk towards the Headmistress's office but paused when she looked over her shoulder to see Deuce.

She waved at him with a small smile before turning around to resume her walk. Or at least that was her plan. However, that plan had been derailed when the god she had been walking with, moved to stand in front of her, of course, she could likely walk through him seeing as technically he wasn't there but that would be rude and he's a god. She'd rather not wake up as a bird. So, she was forced to stop in her tracks.

"You should go over and talk to him," Hermes suggested.

"Why? Is he mad at me?" She asked her brows furrowed, had she done something wrong? Had someone said something to make him dislike her? Did she need to apologise? How was she supposed to apologise? She didn't know what she had done wrong! Did she do something so tremendously awful that warranted a big apology with flowers and cake and a whole manner of things? Or had she done something simple? A minor inconvenience that could be resolved with a simple 'I'm sorry'? Gods, why did social interaction have to be so difficult? Perhaps she had hallucinated not doing something wrong, perhaps she was still hallucinating and- gods she was going to send herself into a spiral of insanity at this rate. Her legs felt weak all of a sudden, and an ache grew in her stomach. He couldn't be mad, right? He was her friend, one of her best friends. She didn't want him to be mad at her.

"What? No. He's not mad... at least I don't think." Hermes reassured, looking at the girl with a confused look "You need to stop overthinking. You'll end up in the same spiral you were in two weeks ago- the one that resulted in the deal of ours."

Y/n bit her lip, remembering the events of two weeks ago.

"Well- that- that wasn't my fault." She muttered, crossing her arms.

"I know kid, what happened shouldn't have happened but- it did," Hermes said quietly, taking a step closer to the girl.

"So, back on subject- if Deuce isn't mad at me... why should I talk to him?" Y/n asked- attempting to avoid warranting the god to talk about the events of two weeks ago- she didn't fancy reminiscing just yet... or really ever.

The god gave her a look as if to say 'I know what you're doing' before stepping back.

"Well, he's your friend, right? Friends tend to... talk and hang out." Hermes stated.

"I know that! But I talked to him yesterday." Y/n said.

"And he's over there so you can talk to him now," Hermes stated.

"But I have to go see Headmistress Bloodgood-"

"She can wait, how much trouble can that Kitty girl cause in a few minutes anyway?"

"Well, I'd rather not risk it-"

"Alright then invite him to join you," Hermes stated.



"Yes sir," Y/n said quickly turning around.

"Wait, first- show me your arm," Hermes ordered, grabbing a marker from the bag he'd been carrying- Y/n hadn't even noticed it until now.

Y/n smiled, holding out her left arm, as the god glanced down at it.

"Aw, it faded, wait." He said- glancing around before closing his eyes for a moment, gently grabbing the siren's arm, uncapping the marker and drawing something on her wrist. He then stepped back and capped the marker "There we go."

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