Chapter 18: The Potion.

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After a rather uncomfortable presents opening (Why you were forced to open your gifts in front of the people who gifted them to you Y/n didn't understand) and a loud chorus of 'Happy birthday' the party resumed. Y/n stood uncomfortably shifting in a corner, her arms wrapped tightly around herself as she watched people celebrate her birthday- who knew a birthday party would be so uncomfortable?

The sound of footsteps coming from beside her sounded over the loud music, she turned her head to see Mercy coming up to her, holding a drink.

"Hey Y/n, I brought you a drink... again." Mercy greeted holding out the drink.

"Oh, I'm not thirsty thank-you." Y/n stated gently pushing the cup away.

Mercy, however, persisted, pushing the cup closer to Y/n.

"I haven't seen you drink anything in a while and you're a siren so- you really should drink this." Mercy reasoned, some of the liquid spilling out.

Y/n sighed taking the cup.

"Alright. Fine." Y/n spoke, looking down at the foggy liquid. It was light pink in color and seemed to glitter, it smelled strongly of jasmine and lavender. She hadn't seen this drink on the drink table earlier and every instinct she had screamed at her not to drink it. But, under Mercy's watchful eye, she took a small sip.

The drink was bittersweet, leaving a tingle in her mouth as it had been swallowed, sliding down her throat, leaving a strange feeling behind.

"Thank-you Mercy." Y/n spoke, suddenly feeling rather drowsy, she swayed in spot for a moment before recovering "I'm going to uh- go now."

She quickly moved away from Mercy, taking another sip of the drink as she slowly moved towards Draculaura and Deuce- of who were talking to each other, a small voice in her head telling her:

"Stay in a group, don't let yourself be alone."

She inched towards the two sipping her drink.

"Hey Birthday girl!" Draculaura greeted "You like your presents?"

Y/n nodded.

"Yeah, they- they were great." Y/n breathed, drinking the last of the liquid in the cup.

"Are you alright Scales?" Deuce asked, noting that Y/n didn't question the use of a nickname "You look... pale."

"I'm- I'm fine." Y/n stated, a strange feeling welling up inside her.

"Are you sure?" Draculaura questioned "You're looking ill."

Just as Draculaura had finished speaking, Y/n suddenly doubled over and regurgitated into a bush.

"Woah!" Draculaura exclaimed, gently patting the sirens back "Getting some déjà vu here."

Y/n straightened up wiping the back of her mouth, noticing a strange shimmering substance on the back of her hand.

"Uh- I'll get you some napkins." Deuce spoke quickly moving away as Y/n doubled over again.

"And I'll go get you some water." Draculaura stated, rushing off towards the drinks table "Wait here!"

As Y/n straightened up, wiping her mouth again, her vision had gone blurry, the world growing pink, she suddenly felt awfully dizzy, clutching a nearby tree as the world disappeared, only one thing on her mind...


She didn't know what had happened, but she suddenly felt her legs moving on their own accord, as if all her senses had gone numb. A ringing in her ears, the thought of Eternity's sweet laugh, her melodic voice fueling Y/n, her soft hands, her perfect lips her-

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