Who Would you Rather Meet?

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Alina Belyayev was born in a compound in a remote part of Russian to two former Russian government assets. A former Solider and a former Scientist to take part in a program to make an elite group of female spies that could take down anyone if asked. Alina Belyayev began the program at the age of 4, and quickly rose to being the best in class, making her first kill at age 7. At age 10, she was too young to send into the world for what they had planned for her so, she was used as a means to removed the weaker students. It was during her 11th year with the compound that the mob invaded, having heard what was happening and wanting the program stopped. There the mob eliminated most of the adults that ran the program and in fear of what would happen, a few of the class members killed themselves. Alina did not. The mob took her and, after a few months she was sent with some of them to Gotham, where she met Carmine Falcone. It was Carmine that gave her the name Kate. As the young blonde had opened up to the older man and, the man had opened up to the girl. Alina Belyayev was no more, and Kate Nix-Falcone was born in 1999. Kate became Carmine's hidden weapon, he'd send her in to scope out targets or enemies, get intel, and then, she'd help take them down from the inside out to give to her father. After nearly getting shot, Falcone sent her to stay with her sister, Sofia, in Miami for a few months, until he began to hear whispers of a possible uprising in the family. Three years being gone from Gotham, Kate was back. And, she was ready for possibly her biggest adventure, an adventure she'd share with Victor Zsasz.


Victoria Ann Zsasz was the youngest twin of the Zsasz twins, Victor being protective of his sister and her of him. When the twins were away in Tokyo, their parents died in a boating accident. Upon receiving their inheritance, in their depression the twins began traveling the world gambling and drinking. One night they ended up in Gotham and lost all their money to a crime lord in a casino. Feeling the weight of their loss, the twins ended up on the bridge, planning to jump together when two men arrived with knives. The twins acting on instant and that night, at 25 years old, the twins made their first kills and each gained their first marks. Victoria got hers as a small tattoo on her wrist and victor carved into his skin. Thus, the twins started their path to becoming renowned killers. Carmine Falcone heard of the twins and in his interest, invited the two in the family, which is where they made a home. Both twins act the same and to some, it's unsettling. But to the twins, it's one of the most comfortable things in their lives. Because they know they're never alone, they will always have each other. Where one twin goes, the other follows. And Gotham was in a new era, especially after Martha and Thomas Wayne are killed.

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