Chapter 6 ~Red-Faced~

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"Why is Maxwell Lord picking on Supergirl? What's the difference between Supergirl and Haven?" Ashlee shrugged, "I honestly don't know. I can't even ask with exposing myself. I'm sorry, I honestly don't know what Max's beef is with Supergirl Kara.", she looked at her watch, "Oh god, I'm going to be late. I will see you all later. Oh Kara, I can't make game night this week, I have to go to a dinner for Miss Grant. I'll definitely be there next week." Ashlee hurried out and Winn groaned, "Why did Maxwell Lord do to get all of her attention in 7 weeks?" Kara looked at him and James shook his head, "She's happy you guys, she hasn't told him. Clark has talked to her and she's just, she's happy and we can't ruin it." James smiled, "She was pining after a guy for two years who didn't even acknowledge her, she's moved on. We might not like him, but that's alright. We can learn to like him. He makes her happy and she's our friend. We want her to be happy." Cat walked in, "If you're talking about Aimee, she didn't go to meet Max, she had a doctor's appointment. It's just a check-up nothing serious, apparently she broke her ankle when she was younger and it didn't heal properly so they had to rebreak it 3 years ago. Also, she got bit by a bug and it loses really gross. I had her make an appointment. She's happy, leave it alone. Will, James, back to work." Cat sent a small glare at Winn and he nodded rushing to his desk, "Kerah, my mother is coming. I need coffee and a therapist appointment scheduled. Thank you." They nodded and sat down, Kara's computer binged, I know you're worried about Maxwell Lord, I am a little bit too, but Ashlee hasn't told him anything and I've met him, as Clark, last weekend. He makes her happy and truly cares about her. Kara sighed and looked at Winn who was glancing at her desk, James looked at her desk too but smiled, she was over Winn Schott, but she was into Maxwell Lord who has it out for Supergirl but not Haven.

Haven sat at the doctor's office and clicked her tongue, "Bored?", she smiled, "Max, what are you doing here?", she hugged him and he kissed the top of her head, "A little bird messaged me and said you went to the doctor, is everything okay?", she nodded, "Yeah, just a routine checkup. Making sure I'm fit as a fiddle so I can keep Cat sane." He smirked, "Alright, well if you're almost done, let's go get lunch." She smirked, "Max, it's like 10 in the morning." He smiled, "Okay then, breakfast." She giggled and the nurse walked in, "You're healthy and free to go Miss Morgan." Ashlee smiled, "Thank you. Have a good day." Ashlee smiled and heard someone call for help, she looked around and Max held her hand, "What's wrong?", she sighed, "I thought I heard someone call for help." It was louder this time and they both heard it, "Come on, let's go." She took of running at a normal pace and Max followed, the pair ended up at a car that was flipped and the woman was stuck inside, "I'm going to get you out alright. We are going to get you out." She sniffed, "Gas leak. We got to hurry. Max, come here." He walked over and she looked at him, "I'm going to crawl in through the back, I have a knife in my purse and I will cut her seatbelt. Call the paramedics." He nodded and Ashlee walked over to the back of the car and kicked in the back glass, being careful and making sure to avoid the gala pieces, she grabbed her knife and cut the seat belt strap at the buckle and looked at the woman, "On three we are both going to push against the windshield, alright? Think you can do that? Max has called the ambulance and the police." The woman nodded and both woman pushed against the windshield and popped it out all the way onto the pavement, Ashlee crawled out first and helped the woman out next, "Everybody back up! Now!", Ashlee shoved the woman forward and she tackled Max back right as the Car exploded and she took a deep breath, "Are you okay? Are you alright?", the two stood up and hugged, people taking pictures and videos of the two civilians that saved a woman from her car.

"Ashlee Morgan, Assistant of Cat Grant and Carco worker,  rescued the woman from her car, Maxwell Lord calling authorities to let them know. Onlookers are asking, Where was Supergirl?", a man showed up on screen, "Supergirl has the time to break a guy's nose and hand, and total another guy's car but when a Civilian is about to explode she's nowhere to be seen? Haven, shows up to make sure Supergirl keeps herself in line and Haven has put her life on the time many times while Supergirl just set back. Where was Supergirl? Haven is probably off helping someone else, but Supergirl, Supergirl was probably off scaring some more kids." Ashlee sighed, "You're a hero." Ashlee looked at Winn, "No, I'm not. I got lucky. A second longer and we both would have been blown to pieces." Cat walked in, "Good job today Ashlee, you're making the news and looking good while doing so." Ashlee frowned, "I just did what I would want someone to do for me." James walked in, "What are you doing?", she stood up, "We need to talk alright. Let's go." She dragged him off and up to the roof, "I just, why is this such a big deal? I do the same thing everyday as Haven, Kara does it as Supergirl. What's the difference between Haven and Ashlee Morgan?", James looked at her, "Haven is a superhero, Ashlee Morgan is an assistant to Cat Grant." Ashlee groaned, "I just, why does the city love Haven so much and discredit Supergirl? She's done plenty of things by herself, great things." He looked at her, "Haven has put herself on the line for civilians and Supergirl many times. You took the Lightning stike through you for Cat and Kara, Leslie, you took Reactron's radiation beams, you took Astra on for Alex and Kara, you stopped the train from derailing, you stopped the accident with the massive truck and family car. You put your life behind you and save everyone else first, even if they don't want to be saved. Supergirl is the same way, but you do it more often then not. Kara cares and saves, but she loves to throw punches. You throw punches, but you love to care and save everyone you can. The building jumper, you talked him out of jumping and saved him when he needed it most even though he didn't know it. That's why the world loves you. Supergirl is also Kara Danvers and an unofficial DEO agent." Ashlee nodded and gave him a smile, "I never wanted the city to love me more than Kara." He smiled, "I know." The two left the roof and she glanced around, "Are you guys avoiding telling me something? Or asking me something?", he looked at her, "Winn thinks you told Maxwell Lord who you are and that's why he hates on Supergirl so much, that that is why he is biased." Ashlee froze before she huffed out in annoyance, "Why does Winn care what I think? I sat day in and day out for two freaking years while he pined after a girl that doesn't like him like that, I never complained when he talked to me about her. I never complained when he chose her over me time and time again. I haven't complained that he does everything she ask him to do whenever she ask him. I have moved on, what does he care? He never did before." James looked at her and she took a deep breath and let it out, "I'm sorry to lay that on you." He smiled, "I think he's mad, jealous even, that you don't give him your undivided attention anymore. You're always with Max or doing something for Cat or being Haven that you don't really hang with us like you used to." She sighed, "I'm sorry that I have a boyfriend that I love very much and a job that I love a lot and a second life that I didn't originally want but have grown to love." James smiled, "Oh my god. I just. Oh my god. I love him. I love him. Is that weird? We've only been dating for 2 months? Do people fall in love that quickly? I have to go talk to, I'll be, uh bye." She hurried off and went into Cat's office and shut the door.

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