Chapter 14 ~Truth, Justice, and the American Way~

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I will be on vacation next week, so I am not sure if an update will happen next week. If it does it will probably be really late Sunday night. I am sorry for not updating as I used to but I hope these last few chapters have satisfied you guys. I planned to do one more but one of my professors moved a exam up so I have to take an exam before I leave. I hope you all enjoy.

Ashlee sat up at night, the dream of Krypton haunting her. Her eyes filled with tears and her breath grew labored. She sobbed and her heat vision acted up. Max shot up and Ashlee cried, Max held her. "Why was it Krypton. Why did Non do this to me? I failed all over again. I lost them all over again.", Max kissed the side of her head. He held her as she cried herself asleep. She had lost her family all over again, but she had also returned to her family.

Ashlee woke up and quickly got ready for the day, she made breakfast and coffee to go really quick. She walked to the guest room and gave a smile before yelling, "Maxwell Lord wake up! You have stuff to do today!", he jumped in the bed and fell off the side, Ashlee started laughing and she doubled over, "That was amazing!", she stood tall and helped him up. "Breakfast and coffee is downstairs, you have thirty minutes." She turned and walked downstairs, standing at the island drinking her coffee, Max hurried downstairs, fixing his tie. "Why didn't you wake up sooner?", she chuckled, "You looked so peaceful and I didn't want to disrupt that after everything.", he nodded and she handed him a fixed plate, "We need to leave in 5 minutes, you have a meeting with the lab.", he nodded and they enjoyed their breakfast before she smiled, "I will drop you off up front and then go through the back.", he looked at her, "Are you embarrassed?", she glanced at him, "Oh right, you haven't seen the headlines.", she handed him an newspaper but someone other than Catco, Maxwell Lord cheats on Catco Assistant Ashlee Morgan., he glanced down and she sighed, "We can set the record straight today if you want, with a broadcast.", he nodded and she smiled, "Come on, let's go.", he smiled and the pair left the home.

Ashlee sat in Max's office with a smile on her face when a thud happened, "What is Myriad?", she shook her head, "I don't know and my father, his AI thing, won't tell me either. It's a block, Alura removed it from our databases." She stood up and walked around, "Cat thinks you are missing by the way so we will need to go out for lunch. I will stop by Catco and personally talk to Cat about our situation and explain to her the Kara was worried about me and took it out on her." Max nodded and Ashlee's phone rang, "Hello.", she farrowed her eyebrows, "What do you mean the suspect was abducted? I can, no I understand but you need, well. Alright. Bye.", she lowered her phone and frowned, "An alien was abducted by a man in a metal suit that shots lasers.", Max raised an eyebrow, "An Alien was kidnapped by Ironman?", she laughed and shook her head, "This is serious Max.", he smiled at her and she sat back, "I will need to contact NCPD to get information, surely there's more to this than what we know.", Max nodded, "Precisely. Come on, let's go for early Lunch, we can go sit with Cat, and then we can go to the NCPD.", she nodded and grabbed her bag, putting her hair into a hugh ponytail and the pair walked out.

Ashlee walked into Cat's office with her head held high, "Cat Grant, pleasure to see you.", Cat smiled and looked at Max, "Well, hello Ashlee. I see you and Max are together again.", Ashlee smiled, "We were never apart actually, uh, I had a backlash from my parent's death and then we got into an argument, but we made up. I was informed by Kara, who sat with me one day and came into work as not herself because she sat with us and made us work it out. She knows how happy I am with Max. Anyways, I see you have a new second assistant.", Cat smiled, "Well, yes.", Ashlee turned to Cat with a resting face, "She's trouble. She's only here because of your issues with Kara, personal ones at that, and she has an ego bigger than Max's. She is going to want to get to the top as quickly as possible and the top is you Cat. She will leave when she realizes that isn't going to happen here. Also, she is too smug. She is going to be a handful Cat Grant, a waste of time and investment. You should just get rid of her now. Oh, while I am thinking of it. You have eyes and ears everywhere in this city.", Ashlee pulled out her phone and handed it to Cat, "This man was taking by a man dressed up as a robot, have you caught anymore sightings of him or heard anything?", Cat glanced around and grabbed a file, "Normally I wouldn't share but since it is you, I will. There have been five more disappearances of National City dwellers, and he was caught taking them. Their bodies were found by the river, with missing heads, only a day after they were taken by your metal clad suspect.", Ashlee smiled, "Thank you Cat. If you will excuse us, we need to be getting our lunch. I hope you have a nice day darling, oh, and remember what I said. She is also an extremely jealous person, so when you realize Kara is the better assistant and realize you are being petty and unprofessional, she will purposely try to make Kara look bad. Max, let's go. I can practically smell Sarah's pettiness now.", they turned and left, the new assistant standing quickly, "If I wanted to be shown out, I would ask Kara. Sit down Sarah, and don't get to comfortable in that desk, I kind of miss it.", Ashlee put her sunglasses on a gave a smug smile before she walked over to Kara and gave her a hot latte card and then gave Winn a hug, "Have a nice day.", Kara and Winn smiled as Ashlee's covered eyes glared at the new assistant and the girl cowered and sat down, Ashlee smirked and Max chuckled lightly before the two went out of the area. "Who was that?", Cat scoffed, "That, was Ashlee Morgan. My assistant that is dating Maxwell Lord, has been since November, and she saved a woman from a burning car. She is now working for some big agency, she is like a daughter to me, and I actually listen to her advice and what she says. She is a smart girl, a strong girl. Something you both should look up to as inspiration. Although, if either of you talk to me like she did or as she spoke to you, Smyth, you'll be fired." Kara hid a smile and stood, "Would you like me to get your lunch?", Cat shook her head, "Maxwell and Ashlee are having lunch sent in. They didn't know about you, new assistant, so you will have to go get your own lunch." Lucy smiled as she heard Cat's words and then remembered the fight she had just had with James over Supergirl and Haven, her phone rang and it was a message from Ashlee, I was the one who told James about the DEO, not Supergirl or Haven. I work there now, part time anyways as a lab worker and computers person. Sorry I caused troubles. Lucy sighed, she forgot all about Ashlee calling Lois and Clark telling them of her new job and having Clark relay the message to her. Ashlee was so excited about her new job.

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