Chapter 3 ~Fight or Flight~

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"You told Cat you two are cousins?", Ashlee sat back and groaned, "He is going to kill me." Winn chuckled and Ashlee pouted, Kara went into Cat's office. "I'm so dead. Dead, dead, dead." She groaned and Kara walked out, "Special Edition magazines for next month, two issues. One all Supergirl. One all Haven. Big party, waitresses dressed like them." Ashlee groaned, "I'll call venues and bands. You get ice sculpture and food. We can both get waitresses." Kara nodded and the two began to work, a computer Bing popping up on Ashlee's computer, You let her do an interview? Seriously., Ashlee grit her teeth, I didn't know she was going to do it. If I did I would have purposely had some need of her. This is not my fault., three dots appeared and she glanced down, I know, I'm sorry., she softly smiled, It's alright. I mean, atleast they only know you two are cousins and not who you two are. We are all still safe. I have to go, Cat is throwing a Supergirl Haven party. I'll see you later Clark. She smiled to herself and Winn looked at her, "Who do you message all the time?", she glanced up, "Uh? Oh um. No one. Nobody at all. Nope." He raised an eyebrow and she sent a smile, "Oh, I have to go do something, bye." She hurried off and he stared after her. James chuckled as she hurried into his office, "Clark get ahold of you?", she nodded, "Yes, and I've apologized. I'm suppose to protect them both but I don't even know who I am." He chuckled, "Clark doesn't expect you to protect him or Kara. He expects you to be you and help Kara, the best you can." Ashlee nodded and took a deep breath, "I took back my resignation today, with 3 days to spare." He smiled, "Why did you want to resign anyway?", she glanced down, "No reason." Kara spoke into her ear piece, "Ashlee, we need your help. Meet me at the NCH." Ashlee smiled softly and walked out hurrying away and turning into Haven.

Ashlee landed by Kara, "Supergirl, Haven, the driver is still inside, she can't get out." Ashlee nodded and went inside, Kara broke a electric cord and Ashlee got the driver out. Everyone cheered but it went south quickly, when Ashlee was shot with an orange beam. Kara ran over and Ashlee stood up, "Who are you?", the man walked forward, "I'm just a ghost.", Ashlee glared, "What do you want?", he walked forward, "I want the Man of Steel to suffer.  I want him to know what it feels like to lose everything. Staring with you, Supergirl." Ashlee turned her head, "Oh my god. Go!", she tossed Kara right as the man shot another orange beam and she was tossed into a windshield. Ashlee began to fight the man and he kept shooting her with his beams and she glared, grabbing a door and using it to shield herself and tossed it, knocking him flat and ruining his suit. He flew off and she hissed slightly, feeling slightly drained from the fight with Reactron. Kara flew down and looked at her, "Haven?", the brunette smiled, "I'm okay." She staggered forward and Kara caught her, "Come on."

Ashlee sat at a chair with a water by her, "Reactron, that's what the Daily Planet called him. Showed up in Metropolis a few years back when I was visiting with Superman. We could never figure out his identity. He had a bone to pick with Superman and apparently it hasn't gone away with time. Back then I didn't have a suit so I just popped in and helped make sure your Cousin stayed alive. Reactron is human, we can't fight him as the DEO, I'll call Superman and see if maybe he can come and help with him." Kara looked at her, "We need to go." Ashlee walked away and groaned. Kara smiled, "Why'd you toss me?", Ashlee smiled, "I promised to keep you safe, Reactron isn't safe."

Ashlee was sore the next day and was dressed in dress pants and a nice blouse and heels. Winn looked at her, "You okay?", she nodded, "I'll be fine. I'm used to it." James walked in, "You alright?", she nodded, "Perfect. I have to put finishing touches to the party." Winn smiled and smiled, "Where are we going?", he chuckled, "A new office.", Kara farrowed her eyebrows and Ashlee frowned, "New office? We have to be in yelling distance." He chuckled, "Not for that, for our other job." Ashlee froze, "Is this Ed's old office? That's weird, but smart." Kara looked at them, "What?", Ashlee looked at the, "The old office owner had a heart attack behind the desk, nobody wants it. It makes it perfect for us to use." James and Kara nodded and the four walked in. "Nice, tech stuff." Kara smiled, "Winn, I can't believe you did all of this for us." Ashlee smiled, "I'd do anything for you, Kara." Ashlee's smile fell and she looked at her watch, "I forgot I have a meeting to get to for Miss. Grant. I'll see you all later." She hurried out and James shook his head at Winn and Kara frowned. Ashlee took a deep breath and sighed, she lent against the wall and looked up. "Aimee, are you alright?", she looked at Cat, "Fine, just, uh, trying to not cry at work." Cat looked at her, "Is this about Will?", Ashlee frowned, "Will?" Cat nodded, "Sits across from Kerah, you always stare longingly at him while he stares at her, and she stares at James." Ashlee nodded, "Right oh, yeah. Kind of but never show pain, it's a weakness. My father told me that, before he passed away in a car accident when I was 14, along with my mom. Anyways, is there anything I can do for you Miss Grant?", she softly smiled, "Go home, rest. Actually, go out and try to find someone. The best way to make a guy see you, is to ignore him." She softly smiled, "Thank you Miss Grant." Cat smiled, "You're welcome, Aimee." Ashlee smiled and walked toward her desk, How are things?, Ashlee smiled, Let me get back to you on that. She logged off and went out.

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