Chapter 16: ~A New Life~

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She had to do this, for herself. Her eyes held tears and she swallowed the lump in her chest. She landed on the balcony of his house. She gently knocked. She wasn't in her Haven suit, she wasn't in work clothes. She was just Ashlee Morgan coming to talk to the man who had broken her time and time again, Maxwell Lord. He walked to the glass door and froze. He knew what this was about. He knew she would come. He had hurt Kara, with red kryptonite. He noticed just how small she looked, her arms around her waist and her head down. He opened the door, "Do you want to-", she shook her head, "I'd rather stay out here.", he nodded and walked onto the balcony. Her eyes ran over him and a tear fell. "Why?", he swallowed, "I knew about Noon and Astra, it was to protect us from them. I didn't-", she shook her head, "You could have warned us. If you cared about me at all, you would have told me.", he paused, "You think that I don't care?", she glanced down and tucked a piece of hair behind her  ear. She licked her lips, "What am I supposed to think, Max? Time after Time, something you do harms Kara and it could harm me. She went crazy for a few days. She wasn't herself. What would have happened if that was me? What could I have done?", Max swallowed, knowing she was right. "We're toxic, Max, and we both know it. I love you, god, I love you so much. You aren't good for me and I'm not good for you.", she had tears falling as she took in a deep breath. "I can't keep defending you when you do nothing to show that you're trying to change.", she swallowed again and shook her head, "I'm sorry, I really am. But this is the end Max. I won't be here anymore. Not as Ashlee Morgan and not as Haven. This city doesn't need either of us. This world doesn't need me.", and with that she turned and froze, "Goodbye, Maxwell Lord.", and she flew away.

Her next destination was going to be worse, she knew it was. She landed and lightly knocked on the window. Winn's face showed surprise and she knew it would. He opened the door and stepped out, "Ashlee, what are you doing here?", she licked her lips and sighed, "I'm sorry. For everything.", and Winn farrowed her eyebrows. "Ash, why are you apologizing?", she glanced down and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, "We figured out how to get Barry back to his Earth and his friends checked, their Earth doesn't have a me. I don't exist there. I'm going to-", he looked at her, "You're going to Barry's earth?", she glanced down and her arms went around her waist. "I, I don't belong here Winn.", he looked at her, "Is this because of Max? What did he do?", she shook her head, "This isn't about Max or you. This is about me, Winn. Why can't you see that. I don't belong here, on this Earth. You have Superman and Supergirl, does this world really need Haven? Barry's world doesn't have anyone like me. It will be a new start and a new beginning. If I don't want to be Ashlee Morgan, I don't have to be. I can be anyone I want to be. I can't do that here. I can't start over.", Winn farrowed his eyebrows, not understanding. "So you're leaving? Someplace where we can't even talk to you? What, are we just going to pretend that you didn't exist?", she looked at him. "Yes. You did just fine before you knew I was Haven, you'll do fine after. I've already talked to Jimmy and Clark. I've been called somewhere else. Haven won't be here anymore.", and with that, she gave a soft smile and went to leave but Winn caught her arm and pulled her into a kiss. She didn't close her eyes, her heart didn't skip a beat, she didn't feel anything. He pulled back and she raised an eyebrow, "What was that?", Winn looked at her, "You can't leave.", she smiled, "I am though.", and she kissed his cheek. "Goodbye Winn.", and she flew away. She swallowed and went to see Alex and Hank. Their goodbyes were easier and then, she flew to the field where Barry and Kara were. She landed and she looked around, "Are you sure your friends won't mind?", Barry smiled, "It'll all be okay. My friends are excited to meet you.", she smiled and looked at Kara, "You are sure you want to go?", she smiled and gave a nod, "Yeah, it's all going to be okay.", she gave Kara a hug and a this sounded, making the pair turn. "Clark.", and the man hugged her. "Are you sure?", she nodded, "Yeah, this will be good for me. Hard, but good.", Clark looked at her and she gave a soft smile. "I'll be fine, besides, if you guys every need me I'm sure I can find a way back or even vise versa. We're kryptonite and Barry is a metahuman and he has a few super smart friends so it's not like we won't ever see each other again. I'm sure we will.", she smiled and her eyes shined. "Everything is going to be fine. I promise.", and with that she turned and looked at Barry, "Between our speed and my strength, we might need to do this a few times.", and Barry laughed. She smiled and the took off and soon, they disappeared. Clark sighed and Kara placed a hand on his shoulder, "She'll be fine. She can take care of herself.", he smiled at his cousin, "I know.", and they flew off.

Barry and Ashlee landed in a field by a building, "Cisco, are you there?", and they both broke into a grin as a voice came over, "You're back!", she chuckled and Barry smiled, "I am. And I brought a friend. Call the others. We need to have a meeting and greet.", she chuckled and the pair walked into S.T.A.R. Labs. "What do mean-", and the door opened making Cisco turn around. She smiled, "Hi, my name is Ashlee Morgan and I'm from the planet Krypton and from the Earth Barry went to.",  Cisco nodded, "Yeah, I'll call the others.", she smiled and turned around, "Do you have a Catco or a Daily Planet here?", Barry shook his head, "What? Do you have pot stickers?", Barry chuckled, "Yes, we do.", she smiled, "Can we get some? Oh and some pizza? And maybe some coffee.", Cisco laughed and smiled, "She's going to fit right in.", and she smiled, "Cisco, Barry says you made his suit. Can you make one for me? I need a skirt and a cape for sure.", he nodded, "Can do.", she smiled and grabbed her phone, "With this symbol. It can't be red, blue, or yellow. I can help of course. I made my suit back on the other Earth by myself, I can help you. I like to help.", Barry laughed as Harrison Wells, Caitlyn, Iris, and Joe walked in. "Who is this?", she turned and smiled, "My name is Ashlee Morgan, I'm from the planet Krypton, and the the other Earth Barry went to. Hi.", she looked at Iris, "I love your outfit.", Iris smiled and Ashlee shook their hands. The door opened again and in walked Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, and John Diggle. She turned and farrowed Oliver farrowed his eyesbrows, "Before I introduce myself again are there any others coming?", and Felicity laughed, "Oh! I love your hair color. And soon the girls were all talking.", Barry walked over and she smiled, "Right. So, I'm Ashlee Morgan. I'm from the Planet Krypton and another Earth. It's a pleasure to meet you all.", and she was introduced to everyone. Oliver and Barry pulled her aside, "I can fly, I have ice breath, heat vision, x-ray vision, super strength, and super speed.", they nodded and she turned, "So, am I going to be staying here?", Caitlyn shook her head, "Of course not. You can stay with me.", Ashlee smiled, "Thank you, that's very kind. I am also in need of job but one that I can easily sneak out of should a situation arises and someone need my help.", Oliver nodded, "You can come work at my night club.", Joe turned, "That's eight hours everyday of driving.", she turned, "Who said anything about driving? I can fly. I did this all the time back on the other Earth.", she froze, "Question. If there is no daily planet nor a Catco, is there a Lord Enterprises?", Oliver raised an eyebrow, "What?", she sighed in relief, "Alright then. That's good. Okay. I live in Central City and work in Star. I can do this.", and the group smiled, "Oh. Um. I'm going to need clothes as well.", Oliver grabbed his credit card, "Felicity, Iris, Caitlyn. You're in charge. Don't spend too much.", and she frowned, "I'll pay you back, don't worry.", and Oliver shook his head as the three girls drug the new member out of the building. "Do you trust her?", Barry looked at Oliver, "She took a Sonic scream and an electric shock through the chest for me. I trust her.", and that was the end of it. Ashlee Morgan was now on a new Earth and she had the chance of a new life.

That is the end. Sorry to disappoint. I just, I wasn't feeling this story anymore. I just, I haven't been feeling okay for the last few months and I tried so hard. I've written this chapter and even a few others so many times but I just wasn't feeling them. I hope everyone had an amazing 2017 and I hope that 2018 is more amazing. Tell me how your year went and what you want to achieve during the new year. Thank you for the support and the love for this story and I am so sorry I ended it so badly. I just didn't want to drag out the pain of ending this, not just for me but for you guys has well. I love you all and maybe I'll see you in the next year. I have other stories posted if you'd like to check them out and I have an idea for a story that isn't quite like any I've done before. There is a Playlist on Spotify called "Don't Lie To Me" on my Spotify Page which I think is just Ireland Nicole or it might be Ireland Nicole Trobaugh. If you want, give it a listen and maybe even put some song suggestions down below for songs you guys have been loving that aren't has hyped up. I'm always open to new music and even share some stories or books you have found this year. I will try to check a few of them out. Again, I hope you had a good 2017 and I hope 2018 is even better! Lots of love, Ireland Nicole.

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