Chapter 13 ~For the Girl Who Has Everything~

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Ashlee woke up in an unfamiliar place and sat up, "Good morning Ashlee, how are you? Reflexs seem to be normal.", she was scared and confused, "What are you?", the robot spoke, "I am Kelex, your medical attendant.", Ashlee glanced around, "Where am I?", Kelex spoke, "Your confusion will abate as your temperature stabilizes. Would you care to dress?", she looked at the robot and then around the room, noticing a familiar purple tunic, "This was my mother's tunic. She used to wear it when she would put me to bed at night.", Ashlee ran her fingers over it and glanced up, "Where did you get this?", a voice sounded to the right and Ashlee glanced over to see a woman with blue eyes and blonde hair, "I gave it too you.", Ashlee gulped, "Mom? How could you be here?", Kala spoke, "I stayed home everyday while you recovered from the Argo fever.", Ashlee stood, "This can't be real. You died with the rest of Krypton.", Kala placed her hands on Ashlee's shoulders, "Oh, sweet Ashlee, you must have had terrible hallucinations from the fever. Bit it's over now. You're awake. You're safe. You're home." Kala hugged Ashlee and she farrowed her eyebrows, leaving her mother's embrace and walking toward the windows, "I'm on Krypton."

"Where is Kerah and why isn't she answering her cell phone?", Winn stood, "Maybe she can't. We are actually in middle of the worst solar storm recorded in history. It's just been scrambling communication signals all morning. I'm sure there's a, there's a good reason.", Cat nodded, "I know the reason. She's avoiding me. She's obviously afraid that I plan to retaliate because she drove my son away right when I was repairing my relationship with him. But I am a professional. I do not do upset. So you tell Ker-rah that it is safe for her to resume her duties.", they both turned to walk away but Cat turned back, "How is Ashlee fairing after Max broke her heart and cheated on her? Did you check on her today?", Winn's eyes widened, "That is what Kara is doing actually, I will go fetch her and give you a report on Ashlee myself Miss Grant.", Cat gave a smile and the two went their separate ways. Winn ran into James, "Have you seen Kara yet? She isn't here.", James shook his head, "I haven't been able to reach her.", Winn grabbed his jacket, "We should call Alex, in the meantime I need to go check on Ashlee, Miss Grant wants to know how she is doing.", James nodded and called Alex as Winn walked toward the elevator and called Hank, "She still hasn't come in? Alright, I will go check on her.", and left Catco.

Winn unlocked the door with the key he had copied 5 times and everyone had a key, he made an Hot Apple Cider drink with a cinnamon stick in it and walked to the bedroom, "Hey Ashlee, sorry I'm-", he dropped the mug and gasped, "Oh my god.", he called Alex, "Ashlee has some weird thing on her chest. What, Kara does too? Alright. I'll get her to the DEO. Yes, she is still breathing." Winn picked her up and rushed her to the DEO, "She was found unconscious.", the medics took over, "The organism is gripping her torso with over 100 pounds of pressure.", they wheeled her into an isolation room across from Kara's and Winn and James stood outside the two rooms, Hank rushed over, "Who was suppose to check Ashlee this morning? Why are you two here anyways?", Winn spoke, "Supergirl and where they go we go.", Hank glared, "This is an secret facility you think I'm going to let the media walk in here?", Winn spoke again, "Actually, I am IT so I am definitely not worth shooting.", James spoke, "If something happens to them, I am coming back for you." Hank spoke, "If anything happens to them, I won't stop you. Get them out of here." Hank walked into Ashlee's room and Alex quickly join, "You need to be refreshed on base protcol.", Alex looked up, "They are Kara and Ashlee's family.", he looked at the nurse, "Condition?", Alex spoke, "They are both unresponsive to outside stimuli, but their brain activity is normal. It's like their bodies are unaware of anything wrong.", Hank glared, "What the hell are these things?", Alex spoke, "I have no idea, but I think we know someone who does." Hank looked at her, "If you don't recall, he thinks Ashlee is dead.", Alex frowned, "He can look at Kara first, figure it out and then we can lock him up and help Ashlee.", Hank nodded and the two walked into Max's cell. "Agent Danvers. What a surprise, am I able to go to Ashlee's funeral?", Alex had the door opened and Max farrowed his eyebrows, "How do I get that thing off of Kara?", he was confused, "You may have to be a tad more specific." Alex snarled, "Don't test my patience, Max. You tried to kill Kara with Bizarro. I'm guessing you designed this new freak to finish the job." Max spoke, "I'm flattered that I made such a lasting impression on you, but the truth is I don't know what you're talking about. Can I please go to Ashlee's funeral.", Alex grew frustrated and Hank had to pull her off, "If we find out you're lying about this, she comes back down here. Alone. Ashlee was like her sister and you were the death of her." Max grew silent, "Is Ashlee actually dead or is everyone lying to me?", Hank seen the genuine pain in Max's eyes, "Yes, she's dead.", and it wasn't necessarily a lie, Ashlee hasn't spoke, ate, showered, blinked, or moved since 3 days ago and now she was unconscious with an unknown organism on her, the normal Ashlee Morgan was dead and it was because of heartbreak.

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