Chapter 8 ~Hostile Takeover~

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Ashlee's phone rung and she answered it, "Hello?", it was Kara, "Astra is back and she has a Kryptonite knife and a suit that is invulnerable to it." Ashlee set up, "What can I do?", Kara sighed, "Nothing, we've been ordered to wait." Ashlee scoffed, "You've been ordered, not me." Kara chucked, "I'd bet it would be sad for Maxwell to wake up alone." Ashlee glared, "You spied on me didn't you. I hate you sometimes." Kara laughed, "You wait, if it's a slow day tomorrow, I'll make your life hell." She hung up and curled back to Max, the two had moved from the living room to her bedroom.

"It was is being described has a vicious cyber attack, Cat Grant, Founder and CEO of Catco Worldwide Media, has been hacked." Ashlee stabbed her breakfast and placed with the bracelet Max had bought her, "Cat Grant has been unavailable for comment, but how long-", Ashlee turned off the volume and walked into the office, "So far, nobody has called with demands, which leads security and your lawyers to think that this is just a humiliation stunt." Cat looked at her, "Well, Mission accomplished." Ashlee frowned, "In the last hour alone, the Daily Planet has published my real age, the fact that I have three personal shoppers on call at Barneys, and that I asked out Idris Elba on a date and he said no. His loss." Kara lead in two lawyers, "Your my lawyers, can't we sue every outlet publishing these e-mails?", they sighed, "We can try but it is a process. Imagine if all of Lois Lane's personal emails were dumped in you lap, wouldn't you publish them?", Ashlee chuckled, "Only if people wanted to die of boredom." Cat looked at her and she glanced down, "Sorry." Cat slightly smiled and Ashlee's desk phone rang, Winn stood up and rolled his eyes, "Ashlee is busy right now with Miss Grant, Mr. Lord. I'll have to have her call you back." Ashlee sighed and glanced down, "Go." Kara looked at the two in shock and Ashlee jogged to her desk, "Hey, sorry, no. It's, uh, well. It's something and I'm busy but I was dismissed. Oh, um. I don't know if I can still make dinner tonight. I'll have to call later with an update. I promise. Stay safe. I love you too. Bye." She smiled and walked back into Cat's office has the lawyers walked out, "Sorry. I scheduled a meeting with the board and Kara and I have agreed to go through all of your emails to flag any and all things that could be used against you. We will probably call in help and out of those we both trust and we will probably disappear for awhile, but call one of us and we will be here Miss Grant." Cat nodded, "Good, get ahead of the game. Nice plan." Ashlee nodded, "Of course." The two turned, "James Olsen and that handsome little Hobbit who has more cardigans than you Kerah." Ashlee nodded, "Of course." The two walked out, "I'll get James, you get Winn." Kara nodded and Ashlee scurried off to the art department, "James, I need your help as Ashlee Morgan. We, being you, Kara, Winn, and I, will be going through each and every one of Cat's emails to keep a bottle on all of this and let her know of embarrassing and damning content before the world knows about it." He nodded and the two walked to the elevator and went to their SuperGirl/Haven office. "Look how much she spends on a haircut." Ashlee looked up, "It's more than our rent." James smiled as she read emails, "She used the company jet to go to burning man." Winn looked at them, "Gross. I know what happens there." Ashlee sighed, "Technically, that Jet is hers." She flipped through emails and sighed, "I'm going to need lots of coffee and pizza to do this. Good thing I can't get fat." Kara chuckled, "James, Kara, and I will read the emails. Winn, can you please trace the hack. I don't know a single computer system better than yours." She glanced down, "Besides Max's but you three don't trust him and I won't ask him." They all looked at her and she was still reading. "Shouldn't we focus on Astra being back for round two?", James looked at the two, "Is that true? Why didn't you tell me?", Winn smiled, "I know something before you." Ashlee sighed, "Being that I am now in a relationship, I understand what Lucy is saying. Besides, the DEO is handling it. We are saving Miss Grant." Winn nodded, "I'll do some digging." Ashlee nodded and zoned out while reading the emails, her phone chimed and she sighed, "The level of awkward in this one little area is exceptional at the moment. What happened." They looked at her, "Winn saw Kara and I hug and now he is being weird." Ashlee nodded, "It's jealousy. It happens. He likes Kara, she doesn't see it. She hugs you, you have a girlfriend who is very cute and sweet, Winn gets the wrong idea. All equal to a awkward environment. This is why in most business places, and superhero groups, dating in the group is not advised." She smiled and went back to reading. "What about Maxwell Lord? You know we all feel about him and how he feels about Superman and Supergirl-", she glared and her eyes flashed, "Do not speak to me of Max. Ever. I trust him and I love him. It's none of you concern James Olsen, less I tell your best friend about what you're doing." Kara looked between the two and Ashlee stood, "I'll go get coffees and breakfast. Get to work." She walked out and James looked down, "You crossed a line." He sighed, "I know. Her eyes flash when she is very very angry. It doesn't happen often." Kara nodded, "So we have learned not to mention Max and our thoughts about him around her." Winn walked in, "Ashlee looks mad. What happened?", James glanced down, "Of course. I should have known. Did she ask you two what you wanted to eat and drink?" Kara smiled, "She knows my order by heart." James sighed, "She didn't ask me." Winn chuckled, "This is great." Ashlee walked in and handed everyone there coffee and food, James was shocked that she had gotten him his regular order, "I apologize, my anger was uncalled for. Let's read Cat's emails." He nodded and the two shook hands, she smiled and sat down picking up one of the folders.

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