Chapter 9 ~Blood Bonds~

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Non grabbed Ashlee and threw her to the side, "Danvers, get everyone out of here!", she shot up and tackled Non from the side as he threw Kara toward the group, the two fell and slammed into the concrete outside of Lord Technologies and it broke. Non picked Ashlee up by her throat and grabbed Kara from behind, "Astra was wrong about you two. You are as weak the humans."Hank ran outside but Non grabbed him, "Let him go.", Ashlee stood up and her eyes glowed orange, "Non, this is between us. You need not harm the Human."Non smirked and shot his beams making Alex and the DEO agents turn but Ashlee shot forward, blocking the beans with her own. Sadly, Non and Hank were gone.

Alex walked into Lord Technologies with Kara and Ashlee by her side, "I do apologize that we couldn't stop him. But we will get Hank back." Alex nodded at the older girl, "Stay away from up there." Alex went to walk forward, but Ashlee stopped her, "Mr. Lord,  with all due respect, they need to secure the area. This is an active crime scene and you could still be in danger." He shook his head, "No,  this is my property." Alex walked forward, "This attack has been traumatic for all of us. They kidnapped my commanding officer.", Max walked forward, "I think the days of us partnering up are over, Agent Danvers." Ashlee lightly glared, "What were they looking for Max?", he picked up the gun that blinded one of the Kryptonians, "It could help Agent Danvers locate her boss." He looked at Ashlee, "Agent Danvers and the DEO can ask their pet alien. As for the future, I'll protect myself. Now, get your jackboots off my grounds." He walked away and Ashlee clenched her jaw, she turned and stormed away. Max stopping and shaking his head, Alex and Kara followed. The two had just stepped outside when a sonic boom filled the air and Ashlee disappeared into the night.

Ashlee had just cleaned up her house when her phone rang, "Hello?", it was Alex, "Kara is talking to Astra.", she sighed, "Why didn't you call me? Extract Supergirl-", Alex interrupted, "I don't think you should come in, you just got into a fight with Max.", Ashlee glanced down, "That wasn't your call to make. Family above all else, I'll be there soon.", Alex took a deep breath, "You are to stay home, that is an order.", Ashlee ran her tongue over her teeth, "Fine, but any mental pain caused to Kara is on you." She hung up and tossed her phone onto her counter.

Ashlee walked in, "Thankfully there were no casualties and those responsible have been-", she slammed the laptop down and it broke a little bit. "There is no reason to listen to his lies. He is covering something and noone will be going in to find out what. Get back to work." She walked out of the art department and slammed her stuff down on her desk, grabbed the files for Cat and the drink as well. "I figured you would be with Max after what happened at his offices.", Ashlee sighed, "We might have had a very intense argument before all thay craziness happened so I retired for the night and he went to his offices." Cat raised an eyebrow, "And? Couples argue, but they do not stop supporting each other. Go." Ashlee nodded and walked out of the office with her fave blank, Winn ran over, "What happened last night?", she closed her eyes, "Nothing." She hit the elevator button and entered the elevator.

"Non took Hank as a bargain for Astra?" Ashlee was dressed as Haven and at the DEO, "So what is the plan?" Alex sighed, "If I turn down the deal, Non kills Hank. If i go through with it, I free a criminal with the strength of you two." Ashlee glared, "Lane,  why are you here?", she rolled her eyes, "You know what, I don't really care. Call me later.", she walked out and quickly flew away.

"You're here to find out why I said it was corporate espionage when you know it wasn't.", Ashlee landed with a thud, "I think everyone wants to know that Mr. Lord.", she looked at the carter made and she felt guilty that she didn't get to Hank in time. "I know who your friends are, and I find your association with them rather troubling." Ashlee stepped back, "Especially considering your prominent role within the media.", Ashlee flew off with a boom and James shook his head. "Well,  the media doesn't exist to make people like you feel comfortable, Max." Ashlee had flown to her house and grabbed all of Max's things he had left there, or the things he had bought her. She placed them in a box and flew away with another boom, she flew to his house and went into his room grabbing all her things. She grabbed a paper and wrote on it,  Since associating with me seems to trouble you, I am leaving you. Goodbye Mr. Lord., a tear fell onto the paper and she took a deep breath and let it out, ice leaving her lips. She flew away with a boom and flew home, where she changed and went to Catco.

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