Chapter 11 ~Stranger From Another Planet~

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Ashlee sat at her desk at the DEO in an outfit she would wear to Catco, but she hadn't made the wardrobe switch to the DEO and she felt bad about it, but she had been doing alot of Haven work lately. She had just flown in from saving a family from a burning house. A news segment popped up about Senator Miranda Crane's Anti-Alien Rally and she sighed. It was going to be a long day, she could feel it. She glanced at Hank and he nodded, she would be going undercover as a pedestrian, well as Ashlee Morgan and not Haven, to the rally.

Ashlee stood at the back of the crowd, anti-Supergirl and Haven signs all around. She wouldn't admit it, but she was terrified. She was terrified of the crowd or the speaker, she was terrified of facing Maxwell Lord, and the man was bound to show up to this rally. The Senator started her speech, "Whether they wear a red cape or not, they are a threat to this country, our freedom, and our lives. Starting today, we need solutions.", she heard Alex in her ear, who was with Hank, "Perimeter is clear.", Ashlee spoke, "Try again, something doesn't feel right.", "We need to stop them from landing in pur country. If it takes a dome, let's build a dome. It's time to stop talking and start acting. Monsters are coming for your families.", one of the guards flew away and another was raised into the air, a white martian appearing and holding him. "Oh my god." Ashlee ran forward and Alex and Hank were quickly by her side. "Everybody get down!", Ashlee glanced around and quickly flew into the air, her standard clothes falling on top of the DEO van. She flew forward and followed after the martian, to find the senator on the ground, "Where did it go.", she helped the Senator up, "Careful.", the senator sighed, "It was just here." Alex entered her ear, "Haven, do you have a visual, is it down there?", Ashlee shook her head, "No, it vanished. I have Senator Crane.", they came out and Haven took off toward the DEO headquarters.

Hank and Alex walked in, "You people screwed up royally. And I will not be kept here." Hank spoke, "Madam Senator,  I assure you it's for your protection. I know your friend Sam Lane talks alot of crap about the DEO, but we are here to help.", the senator scoffed, "The General told me that for all your big talk about monitoring aliens, you're the first to let them in the front door.", Ashlee stood, "Well Sam Lane must have forgotten about me saving his ass and his daughter's ass, and then let's forget I kept your ass from being taken by a rouge alien." It was almost a snarl and Alex's eyes grew wide, Ashlee Morgan had changed, and not for the better. "For all I know you all staged that little stunt. It's just like an alien.", Ashlee's lip twitched, "Excuse me?", Crane rolled her eyes, "You're all the same. Disgusting insects who've come crawling from your own diseased, backwater planets, looking to suck our resources for yourselves.", Ashlee smirked, "And if it weren't for people migrating to America from other plaves, killing the Native Americans with guns and diseases, you wouldn't be here either.", Alex stabbed the senator with an syringe, "Ow.", Ashlee glared and her eyes flashed, "Sedative, you're welcome.", Ashlee spoke, "The DEO is currently tracking your attacker but I guess we could call them off and send you back out there, see how long it takes before you get killed by the thing." Hank glared at her and Ashlee glared back, "As long as it is out there, she's in here. Enjoy your stay at the DEO, madam Senator.", Hank walked off and Ashlee glared. Alex and Hank taking Ashlee to a conference room, "I should have let it kill her.", Alex looked at her, just seeing how angry Ashlee was at the World, "It would have and it still might." Alex spoke, "Are you ready to tell us the whole story?", Hank spoke, "Ashlee knows the whole story, but, We're looking for a White Martian.", Alex spoke, "That thing is like you.", Ashlee shook her head, "No. It's nothing like him. White Martians slaughtered the Green Martians. The White Martians came from below Mar's surface, bringing fire from the planet's core, and they burned them all.", Alex spoke, "Oh, God, J'onn. I'm so sorry.", Hank shook his head, "Don't. Knowing what we are up against might just save our lives." Ashlee spoke, "This creature's soul mission is to kill J'onn, it will ve back.", Alex spoke, "But it attacked the Senator." J'onn spoke, "Make no mistake, I brought it to National City. Ad martians, we not only share our ability to shapeshift,  we share a link. If I assume my true form, or phase, or reach out to it with my mind, it knows. It sensed me when I used my powers to investigate Maxwell Lord.", Ashlee took a deep intake a breath and Alex placed a hand on her shoulder, "It attacked the rally to draw you out, but I scared it off." J'onn nodded, "Thankfully, because I couldn't fight it today. I couldn't even move.", Ashlee smiled, "You will next time. And you're not alone." Alex nodded, "We'll find it. In the meantime, we'll keep Senator Crane here. It's the safest place around." Alex walked out and Hank stopped Haven, "I need to ask something of you. I should be the one to face this thing. But if I reveal myself it'll be the end of my life as Hank Henshaw. And if Hank goes, General Lane gets the DEO. And you know what that means.", Ashlee nodded, "You've had my back a million times. I've got this one. I'll bring it in." He nodded and she softly smiled before turning and walking out. She walked into Alex, "Max asked me about you, when I was distracting him for Hank.", Ashlee stopped breathing, "I really don't want to have this conversation Alex." The older brunette frowned, "You don't want it, you need it Ashlee.", Ashlee teared up, "What do you want me to say Alex? That he hurt me deeply and I miss him? That I still love him and need him? That I wish I could go to him and change his mind about us? That, I. I, I need to go get lunch. I'll speak with you later Alex." She rushed away and went to the room given to her to change in and then rushed out to get food, but she made a mistake because she went to her favorite restaurant that Max took her too. She stepped in and froze completely, Max was there. She squeaked and he looked at her, "Ashlee.", she hurried out of the building and into an alleyway, and putting her hands over her mouth as she knelt behind a dumpster. "Ashlee.", Max kicked the dumpster and she jumped lightly, "Damn it." He left and Ashlee rushed back to the DEO.

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