ONE- Learning about Mae

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Mae was used to the attention of males, females and non binary folks. She was used to the way they looked at her, the way most of them couldn't even face her without turning red. She loved the effect she had on people.

She knew that she was an attractive person. After all, she had been told that her entire life she was gifted with her beauty.

But she was very humble when it came to her looks and popularity. She wasn't stuck up, snobby or snotty at all. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She was sweet, funny, charming and charismatic. Of course, there were people who would do anything for her and she was just a girl after all so she wasn't one to refuse a nice boy doing her homework for her when she could be doing other things like Sleeping, making jewelry, or trying new hairstyles?

That's what was happening now. A boy from her geometry class had asked her to hang out with him at the park. She agreed but told him that she had to finish her homework, already having a plan in her head. Andrew was quick to offer his help when they met up and it ended up in him doing her homework while she sat on the swig, talking to Andrew about their lives outside of school. She had learned that Andrew plays Baseball.

"You play baseball? That seems so cool but I don't really like sports. Not because it gets you dirty or anything but because I feel like guys overreact when their team loses." She explained while he looked at her with a small smile. She couldn't deny that the boy was cute, he was. But he wasn't her type at all.

Andrew made a confused face at her when she said that. He had assumed that the girl would hate sports because of the fact you never remain clean for more than two minutes. The girl wasn't exactly a clean freak he would say but from the way she dressed in more feminine clothes, he assumed that she was very girly.

"Really? You look like you would hate it just because of all the dirtiness and stuff." Andrew said with a chuckle. Mae shrugged a bit, hating that stupid stereotype. "Not necessarily. I'm okay with dirt, it makes your skin really soft and smooth. I just hate it under my nails, makes me feel gross." She said as she looked at her perfectly manicured nails. Andrew hummed at that while he looked at the geometry homework he was doing for Maeve.

Maeve was girly, yes. But she didn't have a problem with getting dirty sometimes.

"All done. You look really pretty today Maeve." Andrew blushed as he handed her homework back to her. She smiled at his poor attempts of flirting as she put the homework away, crossing her legs while she looked at him.

"Thank you Andy." She smiled.

Truth be told it wasn't that it was hard to flirt with her. It wasn't. She just wasn't interested in him because he wasn't her type, he wasn't a she.

But she still flirted back nonetheless.

"Your hair is so pretty. I love how red it is in the sunlight." She said as she smiled back at him, putting her book bag down while she began swinging. Andrew smiled at her while her watch suddenly went off.

She looked down at it and faked disappointment.

"Oh damnit it's already four. I have to be home by 4:15 but I'll see you at school tomorrow and maybe after we can do something." She said, knowing that she would fake being busy. She just wasn't interested in him at all romantically and if she was being completely honest she wasn't even interested in being his friend because she knew that he had feelings for her and she didn't want to have to break his heart.

Andrew's smile fell but he quickly smiled again and nodded.

"Okay, yeah!" He said enthusiastically while he also jumped up. He moved closer to Mae who smoothly dodged him, not wanting to hug him. She ignored the look that Andrew gave her and began walking away from him.

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