Eight- Meeting at the museum

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They had been walking for hours.

They had only stopped walking once and it wasn't to rest, it was to bury the head. Clarisse and Mae made Gaige go into the woods and bury it. Mae tried to convince Clarisse that they should make a run for it and Clarisse almost agreed till the thought about how annoyed Chiron would be and unfortunately said no.

Now they were walking along a secluded road again.

"How do you even know we're going the right way?" Mae asked Clarisse who glared at her. "Don't ask stupid questions." Mae chuckled and rolled her eyes while she held her hands up in defense.

Gaige, who was walking a bit behind the two of them watched their interaction with an annoyed look. He wanted Mae, and Clarisse was taking her away. They both would deny it but he could tell that they both definitely felt something for each other and it wasn't exactly platonic but it wasn't romantic yet either.

Gaige would have to stop it before it bloomed into anything else. He didn't care that Mae claimed she was lesbian, she probably just hadn't met the right guy before. Gaige would be that.

Meanwhile, Mae and Clarisse were talking in front of him. Or rather, Mae was talking and Clarisse was listening.

Then Mae started to giggle a bit as she had a thought. Clarisse looked at her, clearly annoyed by her. "What's so funny princess?" She asked her. Mae grinned and looked at her.

"I just realized how funny it is that you don't like me when our parents are each other's lovers." She pointed out. Clarisse made a face as she looked at her. Only Mae would find something like that funny.

"We aren't our parents." She points out. Mae shrugs and looks up at her with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Says who?"

Clarisse rolled her eyes while she looked away from her, biting her cheeks to hide the smile that was trying to show itself.

Mae giggled to herself while they kept walking.

"What Museum are we even going to?" Mae asked as she looked at Clarisse. They were back in human civilization now and not just walking along an empty street. There was fast food, gas stations and literally everything else around them once again which made Mae feel better because she hated side roads they were absolutely creepy.

"Vizcaya Museum and Gardens. We're to retrieve two things. A mini sculpture of your mother made by Apollo as a gift and an ancient scripture. No clue what's in it but we were told to get it." She said. Mae nodded as they began to walk up a hill.

She wondered if her mom would be proud of her for retrieving her sculpture. She hoped so.

Mae's eyes widened as they approached a large and beautiful building. She couldn't even put into words how beautiful it was.

"Woah." Gaige said as they stopped walking and looked at the museum. It was absolutely stunning.

But it hit Mae that this wouldn't be easy by any means at all. If this place had ancient history inside of it it was bound to have plenty of night guards watching over the place. This wouldn't be easy by any means.

"So how are we getting in?" Gaige asked Clarisse who was looking around, thinking about how to answer that.

"The Greek architects are in the middle of the second floor. It's a very open space which makes our task a bit easier. But there's guards at every door, so four guards which makes our job a lot harder. Mae, look in your bag and pull out the light blue vial." Clarisse instructed. Mae looked at her with a smile when she heard what she said. Clarisse had called her Mae instead of Maeve.

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