TEN- Stop two

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Mae grumbled as Clarisse helped her out of the truck. After a sharp turn, she had banged her head into a stray table corner and she was still complaining about it which Clarisse found funny as hell.

"Where are we?" Gaige asked as he jumped out of the truck as well. The two blinked at him and looked him like he was an idiot. To be fair, he was.

"Right inside of New Orleans dumbass. Mae, I'm going to get snacks, what do you want?" Clarisse said as she looked at Mae. Mae smiled at the girl and nodded. "Surprise me." She grinned.

Clarisse chuckled as she shook her head and walked into the gas station that the truck was parked at, leaving Mae and Gaige alone.

Mae kept a decent distance between them

"So your mom's pretty cool." He tried to start conversation. Mae hummed as she fiddled with her charm bracelet. She didn't want to talk to him and she hoped he wouldn't start flirting because if he doesn't listen to her mom she knew she would be less than pleased.

Gaige licked his lips and looked at her. He wanted to talk to her. He wanted her to fall for him, not Clarisse. He just didn't know how to make sure that that happened without Aphrodite catching on.

Mae was easily one of the most stunning girls he had ever seen and he wanted her. And when Gaige wanted something, he would stop at nothing to get it.

Mae could tell that Gaige wasn't going to give up and that excited her because she could not wait to see how her mother would punish him for it. Maybe that made her a bad person but she didn't really care.

"Come on Mae talk to me." Gaige whined, pouting while Mae crossed her arms and watched Clarisse inside the gas station. She was glaring at some guy and likely trying to kill him with her glare.

Gaige snapped his fingers in front of her face as he waved his hand in from of her. She slapped his hand away harshly. Gods he was pissing her off beyond belief.

"I don't want to. Look Gaige you may think that you have a chance despise everything which you would think makes it clear enough but it clearly doesn't. I am GAY, Not interested in guys at all, only girls. If you don't stop, you're going to get hurt." She says as she starts to walk away to join Clarisse in the store.

She was stopped though by someone else grabbing on her wrist and pulling her back. Her first instinct was to slap him in the face which she didn't regret at all.

"Oh that felt amazing." She groaned while Gaige looked at her shocked but that shocked expression turned into anger.

"And what's that supposed to mean? Are you going to hurt me princess?" He asked as he got in her face. Mae went to answer but she didn't get the chance before Gaige was yanked away from her and pushed onto the ground.

Mae grinned as she stood next to Clarisse who was holding the bag full of snacks out to Mae who gladly took them with a smile.

"No I won't but Clarisse definitely will." Mae grinned as she looked in the bag. Clarisse smiled a bit as she looked at the shorter girl. She thought it was adorable how Mae knew that she would defend her from him and she wasn't wrong, she would.

"Leave her alone. And get your ass up we need to go." Clarisse said as she looked around. They weren't far from the next museum they were supposed to go to and they were doing really good with being on schedule.

Mae looked up from her goody bag and nodded, looking at Clarissa.

"Lead the way sunshine!"

Gaige glared at the two girls as he got up. God he hated them.

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