TWELVE- One bed

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As soon as they got to the hotel, Clarisse took the bag from Gaige and led Mae to their room.

They very quickly discovered that there was only one bed.

Mae didn't care though and immediately sat on the couch. She was too shocked by everything that had happened to even want to sleep.

"I'm gonna take a shower then we can talk, okay beautiful?" Clarisse asked as she walked over to her and cupped her chin, making Mae look at her. Mae forced a smile and nodded. Clarisse rubbed her thumb across her face and walked to the bathroom. She didn't even care that she was letting Mae in. Mae needed her and she would be damned if she didn't comfort her.

Mae got a small sense of reality and stood up, kicking her shoes off.

God how did she not know this? She should have recognized the signs for gods sake! She always prided on how observant she could be but now Mae felt like an idiot. She had a step mom. A little sister and probably more siblings. And her dad hid that from her because of what she was to keep them safe while he would leave her alone for days on end.

Gods she felt like a fucking idiot

Mae gulped as she looked at the bed. Clarisse wasn't in bed yet but that didn't make her feel any better about anything. Mae got in their bed and pulled the thin sheet up. The sheets felt amazing on her legs and body. They were nice and cool which was exactly how she liked them.

The blankets were pulled back and Clarisse got in bed as well. Neither of them knew how to react.

Mae turned the other way so they wouldn't be staring awkwardly at each other and turned off her light, trying to go to sleep.

She couldn't sleep though. Clarisse was too close to her and she didn't care but it felt different.

It felt... Mae couldn't even describe it.

"You didn't know?" Clarisse asked Mae quietly. Mae inhaled deeply and rolled over, facing her, shaking her head a bit.
She licked her lips and looked at her.

"No. I should have, I thought I was smarter than that. I thought I knew him well enough to know when he was keeping things from me." Mae said. Clarisse felt her heart shatter when did saw Mae's eyes start to water.

Clarisse just pulled her into her arms and looked down at her. She was about go he completely honest with her and everything was about to change between them.

"You are not stupid Maeve. Look at me." Clarisse said as she cupped her face and made Mae sit up in front of her so they were face to face.

"He doesn't deserve you Mae. You aren't stupid for not knowing, how could you? He kept it a secret. He made sure there was absolutely no trace of them at all in your house. That is not on you." Clarisse said harshly as she looked at her.

Mae knew she was right. She knew that she had a point but that didn't make what had happened hurt any less.

"Clarisse, he was trying to keep them safe. From me. He was trying to keep me away from them and it worked. The most fucked up part is he made me feel so special, and so fucking loved when we were together. He would tell me that there was no other woman he could ever love as much as me and that was a lie! He has a whole family here in Texas. He moved across the country because he thought he would be far enough that I would never find out because he never wanted to see me again. Am I really that fucking hard to love?"

Clarisse immediately shook her head and leaned forward, grabbing the side of Mae's face and making her look at her. Mae's heart melted when she looked at Clarisse. It was so clear that Clarisse cared.

"You are everything. He is nothing. He never has and never will deserve you Maeve you deserve better. You aren't hard to love and yeah it's messed up that he had a complete double life and acted as if it didn't even bother you. But you're handling this so well. You may think you aren't but you are. I would have been breaking everything and anything in my path but you are holding yourself together. And listen Mae you may think that you can't be loved but I want you to know how untrue that is. There isn't a thing I wouldn't do for you anymore." Clarisse said on a firm tone.

Mae sniffled as she looked at her. Her heart was pounding as she looked at her trying to read her face. Clarisse clearly still had a lot to say, she could see it.

Mae looked at her and smiled a bit. She was going to be honest with her now. She felt like she had to. She inhaled deeply before she began talking.

"You know at first, I was really only interested in you because you didn't give a damn about me. You didn't fall at my feet, begging for my attention. It was literally the other way around. But then I was constantly eager to be around you and I knew I was falling for you and just denied it because you claimed you hated my guts. I like you Clarisse. I like you a lot." Mae said as she looked at her.

Clarisse smiled a bit. It wasn't a cocky smile and was very genuine. She knew that now she had to be honest with her and honestly she couldn't wait. Clarisse pulled Mae closer to her and looked her in the eyes.

"I know Mae. I've known before you did. You need to know how much I care about you. I threaten you and yell at you because I don't know how to show affection. I adore you Mae. Every time I see Gaige around you I just wanna grab you and kiss you so he will just get the damn point that you're infatuated with me and leave you alone. I don't just like you, I'm falling for you. Hard and fast. And that's terrifying because you're this bubbly ray of sunshine and I'm the complete opposite." Clarisse explained as she licked her lips and looked at her.

Her expression was completely genuine and so was Mae's.

It was happening.

"You know that they say. Opposites attract." Mae smiled as she looked up at Clarisse, more specifically at her lips.

Clarisse saw and leaned in a bit. Mae's eyes widened. It was happening. It was finally happening.

"Oh yeah?" Clarisse asked as she smirked. Mae could feel her breath on her lips while she licked her lips before she grabbed Clarisse's face and pressed her lips to hers gently.

Clarisse instantly kissed her back and cupped her face with one hand while the other pulled her closer to her.

It was just as they both imagined it would be. Nothing else mattered  welded them in that moment. They had each other finally.

"They do indeed." Clarisse said when they pulled away. Now Mae was curious. Did this mean Clarisse was her girlfriend now? She was beyond happy and had completely forgotten about her dad. She loved that Clarisse could make her forget about her problems so fast and easily.

"So...What are we?" Mae asked as she looked at her. Clarisse gave her a pointed look as she reached over and moved her hair out of Mae's face. Mae leaned into her touch.

"You know what we are. You just want to hear me say it." Clarisse pointed out. Mae hummed, not at all denying it.

Clarisse chuckled as she cupped her face and kissed her nose gently, awing when she saw her scrunch her nose up a bit.

"Mae, will you please be my girlfriend?" Clarisse asked.

Mae smiled widely and lunged forward, covering Clarisse's face in kisses. Clarisse laughed while she tried to push her away and smiled victoriously when she succeeded.

"Of course I will."

And the two spent the rest of the night talking until they physically couldn't stay awake anymore, falling asleep in each others arms

Clarisse and Mae are my favorite lesbians ever guys you don't get it.

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