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Sanskar was done for the day. He was kind of exhausted too. All he wanted was to go back to his room and lie in the bed for the rest of the time.

He packed his stuff and walked to the parking where his dear Honda stood as if welcoming him. Boys loved their bikes more than anything in the world and Sanskar was not any different.

His Honda Shine was his baby which was gifted to him by his eldest brother. He had it shipped from his home town just a month ago.

The crazy traffic of Mumbai always made him frustrated even more. He wished he was in his native town which was so peaceful.

But never the less it was still a developing city and had not reached a point like Mumbai which was the capital of Maharashtra and one of the biggest metropolitan cities of India.

His thoughts were disturbed while his phone beeped with a notification. It was kind of different chime which he had forgotten. He wanted to check his phone but saw the traffic moving and thought better and ignited the engine and moved along with the traffic.

It took him 2 hours to reach his room. And he wanted to just take a hot water bath and sleep and end the day. And he did the same.

After a refreshing bath he dried his hair and took the food packet he had picked on the way and enjoyed the hot sensation of the food. A smile gracing his lips when he closed his eyes savouring the food.

Then he threw the left over in the dust bin and washed his plates and glass and turned off the light of the kitchen counter and took a short walk down the stairs to just watch the night sky which was only black. He missed the star studded night of his home so much.

His phone went off and he smiled knowing who it was. He took the phone and answered the call.

"How are you son?" His mother's voice only made him feel warmer in the chilly weather of October. "I am good Amma. You spoke to me just yesterday" he whined and his mother chuckled.

Like a normal son and mother they spoke for some time about random things. His mother also brought up conversation about his marriage and he avoiding it and the normal conversation ended.

He smiled after he spoke to his mother and walked back to his room. While he was preparing himself to sleep he heard the unusual chime again. He looked at his phone confused.

Then he unlocked it and looked at the notification from the Facebook messenger app which he had not used in years.

And the name of the sender caught him off guard. He blinked his eyes several times before he decided to open the message.

He could still remember that day of the heated argument in the class

"Will you shut up?"
"What ?"
"I said stay out of my business"
"What's wrong with you? You never speak to me this way Sanskar"
"Because you never meddled in my business till now. So know your limits before you talk"
"Fine I am sorry that I...."

He looked at the old messages in the inbox while his memories were playing like a movie in his head.
"Happy birthday dear"
"Thanks Sanskar"

That was the last message they had exchanged. And it's been 8 years.

And then tonight's message

"Hi. How are you ?"
And he didn't know how to reply. He kept pondering over the past memories for sometime before he gathered a small hope and sent her the reply.

"I am good Ragini. How are you?"

He knew it was stupid. He knew it was the worst decision he had ever taken. But the spur of the moment when all the memories hit him hard he couldn't stop himself from acting stupid and that's what he did.

A normal day when he replied to her text he knew there was no turning back now.

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