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Sanskar didn't like the year tad bit. He was separated from his best friend when he had a hope that this year things will change.

Things not just changed but were upside down according to him. Though most of the classmates of his who were in 6th A section stayed with him only few were moved to 7th B section.

Jayant and Abir were moved to B section and as per their dad's request Ragini was also moved to B section as he didn't wanted her to have a breakdown again. All the misfits had passed and they were also shifted to B section.

Sanskar was sad over it. But he couldn't even imagine what Ruhan went through due to all this. Because he stopped talking to anyone in the class. He would just sit in the last bench and be on his own.

Ruhan's grades went down. That's the only thing Sunil sir shared at the beginning of the year and how much nobody knew. So everyone guessed may be Pari will win the topper trophy this time.

But she wasn't happy too. Losing their best friend's made none happy actually. Sunil sir explained them how due to Satya and Jayant's fight last year HM decided to keep them in different class and how Ragini was shifted because she couldn't stay without her brother.

Abir was also shifted to the new section because he wasn't getting adjusted very well according to his mother. Most of his friends were in B section. And moreover there was no competition for Aditi in the class so they found Ragini and Abir as the competition for Aditi.

Sanskar thought it was crazy how their HM ma'am's brain worked. And the result was their Chaotic crackhead class had turned into a silent movie which nobody enjoyed. Final year of the school and they were already frustrated from the first day.

It was a total different story for B section. They had few hurdles in the beginning like every time some new children come to the class. They tried to bully them but then they realised they should be in their limits when the crackhead trio started to play back.

Now section B was the fun side of the dimension and section A was back to its all topper book worm stereotype.

They still had the time of games period when they would meet their old friends. But that seemed like very small amount of time to Sanskar.

All the time in games period the A section children would sit in a corner and speak where as section B would enjoy to the fullest.

Ragini loved playing seven stones. That was her favourite game. She would laugh run think strategies and shoot and arrange the blocks and be alert.

Sanskar never knew Ragini had this side too till he saw her playing seven stones. She would not even feel the surrounding while she played. Where as Sanskar enjoyed her happiness he had found Ruhan staring at her with some sort of sadness in his eyes. But his lips would try hard not to curve when she danced a little while she won and used to run to hug her friends.

"It's gonna rain.. children get back to the building" Sunil sir screamed and before everyone understood what he said the big drops of rain started to get more and more intense.

They were partly soaked in rain while they stood at the corridors. They could go inside if they wanted. But they could also stay in the corridors as it was their games period.

Sanskar's ears registered a sound of chuckle coming from the other side of the corridor. He saw Ragini throwing some water on Abir who stood beside her and he glared her annoyed. She laughed more at his expression.

Her silver earrings were shining due to the water over them. Her hair stuck to her scalp neatly and her face had tiny droplets all over it making her look so unreal. Her two teeth were sticking out when she was trying hard not to laugh biting her lower lip mischievously. Her voice. Her mellow voice. Sanskar for some time didn't realise that he was in the corridor of the school where there were many people around them. He could only see Ragini.

When Abir held her hand tightly to stop her and her playful expression changed to fear. That's when Sanskar came to reality and shook his head a bit.

Ragini was flustered while Abir glared her. He felt a bit uneasy due to her fearful expression and let go of her wrist. Then they stood there awkward for sometime and then Ragini walked to her class silently. Abir looked troubled while he watched Ragini when she was facing her back to him while she walked to the class.

He saw Abir heave a sigh and meet his gaze and gave a weak smile to his old classmate. Sanskar acknowledged it with a small wave.

Sanskar was really thankful that Ruhan was inside the classroom at the moment as it spared his feelings at least for the time being.

Evening they made sure they walked together like old times. This year they had completely stopped going by the auto which they used to board during rainy seasons only last two years. Their parents thought they had grown stronger to face the rain finally.

New friends had joined the gang now. Sunita who was from the B section became new buddy to Ragini while they walked along with Ashwini.

Sanskar walked beside Jayant who was telling him all the stories from the class. And to their surprise Abir who always used to walk alone had joined them today and he was beside Ruhan who was at the last of the group and was just walking silently. Abir and he exchanged a small smile to each other.

Sanskar turned back to Abir confused. He was looking at the front then he guessed Sanskar's gaze and smiled lightly at him. Sanskar smiled back at him. Ragini was explaining something to Ashwini and Sunita was supporting her stories of the class.

Truly oblivion to her surrounding. Sanskar knew Ragini will never change. He just nodded his head in disbelief.

She never realised how Ruhan glanced at her whenever she laughed or Abir smiled watching her snort. Though Abir and Ruhan walked side by side their eyes were fixed on Ragini. And that cute innocent idiot had no idea.

And Sanskar. His eyes never would leave her face. He would worry if she was not smiling or laughing. And he would feel kind of strange happiness whenever she smiled or laughed.

And like everyday when they reached the point from where he had to take a diversion his heart ached and he didn't realise from when did this started to happen.

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