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Why it has to be him Sanskar had no idea. Why it has to be him who had to listen to what Satya uttered that night he didn't know? Why it has to be him who felt suddenly different he didn't know.

Ragini was annoyed by Arav who took her book and held it up and challenged her to reach it. She punched him in his stomach and he winced in pain and returned her book and she smirked looking at him.

"Why is this for?" Ragini asked looking up at Ruhan who placed the chocolate in front of her. He shrugged his shoulders and sat in the bench in front of her. Ragini frowned and didn't take the chocolate.

Ruhan had an extra pair of eyes at the back of his head it seemed. He turned with a sigh. "Priya didi told me to give it to you. It was her birthday yesterday" Ruhan completely turned to Ragini.

She huffed and took the chocolate. ",You couldn't tell me this earlier when I asked you?" She asked annoyed. And Ruhan imitated her teasingly and she tried to hit him while he laughed getting saved from her.

He kept staring her while she ate the chocolate. "You know I don't share my chocolate so back off" she warned him angrily.

Ruhan raised his hand in mock surrender. It looked like he enjoyed her annoyed and angry face and was purposely teasing her.

"You'll come tomorrow right to my home? We need to finish that project" Ruhan's words caught Sanskar's attention. He found Ruhan a bit flustered around Ragini most of the time. "Nope. I love my Sundays. I don't want to see your face at least on Sundays" she said with an annoyed expression

Sanskar saw the hurt in Ruhan's eyes which quickly was covered by him. "I will make sure you won't hate it I promise" he smiled and Ragini looked at him unsure.

"Hey Sunyo" Jayant called grabbing Sanskar's attention. Before he could scold Jayant his best friend winced as he felt a smack on his head. He turned back to find Ragini who was glaring her brother.

"How many times I have told you don't call him that. Ask sorry" she insisted. And Jayant glared his twin and then turned to Sanskar apologizing to him.

Sanskar smiled at her feeling grateful. He appreciated how she never let anyone use that comic book nickname for Sanskar who hated it to the core.

Rest of Ragini and Ruhan's conversation was an unsolved mystery to Sanskar who had to take a diversion. He watched still when Ragini nodded her head agreeing to something which made Ruhan happy. The happiness Sanskar saw him having only around Ragini.

Why it had to be him who heard what Satya spoke that night.

"What's your problem Abir? I told you I don't want that project you can happily do it. And now you want to exchange the project. I am sorry we are half way through it and we wouldn't want to change it" Ragini sighed speaking not looking at Abir who was blocking her way into the class room the next day.

"Why can't you do this project with me? It is only fair if you don't take the help from the topper to get ahead of me" he said with a smirk and Ragini gave him a look of disbelief.

"I am equally contributing in the project for your kind information and I don't think this is how you should think of me" she said pushing him a bit and walked to her seat.

"Really? I don't understand when you turned so smart to contribute into the project . He must be doing all the work and you are just waiting to share the credit of his hard work" Abir smirked sitting in front of her.

"He is too blind to see through you Ragini. And you are so good at taking advantage of it" Abir challenged her. She didn't wanted to listen to anything else so got up but Abir held her by her wrist.

Before she could get out of his hold Abir himself left her wrist when he felt a heavy blow on his cheek. Ragini who saw Ruhan standing after punching Abir covered her mouth shocked.

"What the hell?" She pushed Ruhan and walked past him to reach Abir who was on the ground now.

She made Abir get up and helped him to sit on the bench and rushed to the class cupboard to get the first aid box and applied ointment to his bruised cheek.

She then held Ruhan by his wrist and walked out of the class angrily. "Why the hell did you do that to him Ruhan?" She demanded an answer.

"Because he was annoying you from a long time and also you looked like you were struggling to get out of his hold" Ruhan said a bit flustered.

Ragini rolled her eyes. "I could have handled it on my own. He was just trying to talk to me. He is our classmate Ruhan and you shouldn't have behaved with him this way. Apologize to him now " she signed him to the classroom.

"Why should I apologise? He was wrong . He shouldn't have treated you that way" Ruhan spoke adamant.

"I said I was handling it in my own way. Why are you pissed about it?" She asked confused.
"Because I. ..." He started with sudden raging voice but stopped. "Because I care about you okay" he said turning away as his ears started to turn red.

"Apologise" Ragini crossed her arms without uttering anything else. Ruhan sighed and walked inside the class. He did apologise to Abir who was angry at first but then Ragini spoke to him and he forgave Ruhan.

"Happy now?" Ruhan asked turning to Ragini who smiled ruffling his hair like he was some puppy. But Ruhan looked more happy than he was already after her sweet gesture.

And Sanskar again cursed himself for being the person who had to hear what Satya uttered.

"Love birds" Satya's voice rang in his ear as he watched the way Ruhan sat behind Ragini and watched her every expression change while she spoke to her friends.

The smile on Ruhan's face said it all. Sanskar had seen such expression on the movie hero's faces while they watched the heroine with love in his eyes.

He cursed his fate again that it was him who heard what Satya said.

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