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Ragini, Jayant and Ruhan had started walking home with Sanskar this year as soon as the rainy season went away. They had to walk for half an hour to 45 minutes to reach their homes. Where as Ruhan's house was the farthest.

They had made new friends on the stretch they walked to reach home. Everyday they would discuss so many things that the walk looked very short.

Sanskar had to take a diversion half the way. So he got even less time with them. But the time they would walk was the best part of the day. They could hardly follow the schedule in the morning but evening they made sure they all walked together.

"Sorry" Ruhan kept asking Ragini who was busy talking to Ashwini one more girl from their class. Sanskar never understood the way Ragini chose her friends. She would never be seen with the toppers of the class but with the less previliged.

Sanskar found it amusing when Ragini was ignoring Ruhan who was literally begging her now. It's been more than a week now that he started asking her sorry and she had been indifferent from then.

Ruhan was very genuine in his apology but Ragini was too hurt to forgive him this time. It wasn't that he spoke rudely to her.

Ragini was very loyal when it came to her friends. If someone treated her friends badly she would treat them worse than that. That was what Sanskar was witnessing now.

"We are friends from 4 th standard and you are ditching me for your new friend now?" Ruhan asked annoyed.

Ragini stopped first time in a so many weeks. And Ruhan didn't know he should be happy or angry on himself.

"Problem is not our friendship Ruhan. Problem is your attitude towards Pakhi. That was wrong and it won't change anything. You didn't even apologize to her. And you expect me to forgive you?" Ragini turned to him sharply.

"I said sorry so many times" he whined. "But it wasn't me whom you offended. It was Pakhi. You should apologise to her. If she forgives you then I will see" Ragini said and walked from there annoyed.

And Sanskar saw Ruhan walking behind Ragini with the same pleading tone at the place where he had to take a diversion. "See you tomorrow mate. Don't worry they will be fine" Jayant said dragging Sanskar's attention who looked concerned staring at Ragini and Ruhan.

"Yeah I guess" Sanskar replied and walked on his way.

And Ruhan did apologize to Pakhi the next day. He really felt guilty of what he had done. And Ragini gave a small smile when Pakhi accepted his apology. Ruhan was happy that he was forgiven but when his eyes looked at Ragini his eyes still held the sadness and Sanskar couldn't get the source of it.

The school trip was the first they were going to take out of their home town without any of their family members and everyone was really excited. The last trip they had in 4th standard was just a day trip in which they had been to the nearby park. This time they were going on a three day trip out of their town.

"Not feeling okay?" Sanskar asked as he was made to sit beside Ragini by their home room teacher Sunil sir. Sunil sir was different from all other teachers. He was friendly and everyone liked his jovial nature.

"Three days. I miss mom already" she made a sad face and Sanskar tried to understand her sadness. "Children we'll have breakfast here okay get down" Shankar sir announced and everyone started to move.

Sanskar found Ragini not at all happy with the trip. Arav tried to cheer her but she shooed him away annoyed.

Sanskar thought for sometime and then took out a packet and held in front of Ragini. She looked at it puzzled and then moved her gaze to look at him.

"I know your brother is annoying you by not sharing the camera and Arav is on your nerves but atleast I have candies. So cheer up and have some" he smiled lightly.

Ragini was really moved by his gesture. She never knew Sanskar could talk in that way. He always minded his own business. It was nice to know that her annoyance mattered to him and he tried to cheer her.

"Only if you promise to share more" she asked and he smiled in return. "I don't like them anyways. It was my brother who put them in my bag as he knew at least you will eat them." He shrugged his shoulders casually.

"Thank Dinesh Bhai on behalf of me. Will you?" She asked and he nodded with a smile as she smiled brightly.

And the journey was not bad anymore.

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