99 bottles of beer on the wall

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The enviorment inside the bar was extremely loud. There weren't that many people there about half of what there usually was, but it was still just so loud. You know i really wonder where everyone is there were less people on the bus than usual and less in the bar too.

"Hey venti over here!" I turn my head to my left and see Kaeya sitting with diluc and rosaria, a drink in his hand.

I smile walking over to them of course Kaeya has already started drinking, im pretty sure the two of us make up about 25% of Mondstats total wine sales considering how much we both drink.

I sit down at the table and rosaria already looks drunk makes sense considering how much of a lightweight she is, she's also one of the people who when they get drunk get tired- like really tired.

"Ughhh why did i drinnk soo muuchhh" rosaria said while holding her head in her hand

"Venti just got here and you're already drunk. Maybe you should just drink some grape juice' Diluc said while taking a sip from a glass of "wine" that we all know was actually grape juice I'm pretty sure he's the only person in the entire world who actually enjoys grape juice

"Diluc, you do realize you're the only one who actually likes that stuff right?" I said while hitting him with my elbow playfully

"I know other people." He said back it was funny how he stared so dead pan. He was like some sort of robot

I leaned forward and booped his nose i mean it was just there and he always gets so mad when i do its so funny

"What the hell was that for!" Diluc responded angrily

"Ehe~ just a little something fun" i said that with a smirk Diluc doesn't think im funny of course but Kaeya sure does. He's erupting with laughter like a volcano

I look over at the bartender then back at my friends "im going to go get my drink, don't get high off grape juice while im gone!" Once again Kaeya started laughing like a hyena. And once again Diluc did NOT seem amused

These guys are so funny. I walked over to the bartender trying to think of what i should get to drink. I wanted to get DRUNK tonight. Ill know if i succeeded or not tomorrow morning based on how much i remember.

I signal to the bartender that ld like to order a drink "hey venti! The usual?"  "You bet."  The first time i ever came here i ordered the dandelion wine. The second time someone made me try something else that i don't remember. All i remember is that it was disgusting and I threw it up all over them. So ever sense I've only ever ordered the dandelion wine

While the bartender was back making my wine i suddenly heard someone next to me. "Damn girl i want a piece of that cake" I've gotten so used to hearing this I swear. I look over at the bartender who knows exactly what i was about to do. I can tell by the small smirk forming on his lips

I moved my body in a seductive was towards the man "oh really?" I asked making my voice sound as sexual as i could

"Please" the guy said back smirking

"Then~ can i tell you my secret?"

"Of course baby~" the dude replied oh my i can NOT with these people I can't wait for the look in his face as i lean into his ear whispering

"I'm a man~ and a gay one at that~"

The guy IMMEDIATELY pulled away "w-woah woah I-I-m not into that-" he replied so nervously it was so funny

"Are you sure? Cause i know how to have fun ehe~" while i said that i move closer to him, grabbing his shoulder. Truly i didnt intend to do anything. It's just funny to see how people react.

I look over at the bartender who is barely holding himself together, it's clear how badly he wants to laugh.

He slides my dandelion wine to me "enjoy your drink" I swear this guy is about to burst at the seams like just laugh at this point

I grab my wine and go to walk back to the table with Diluc and rosaria. But not before giving the guy a final wink.

He got super flustered and that was apparently the bartenders breaking point. He erupted with laughter. And the guy just got even more embarrassed

i finally sat down with Diluc, Kaeya, and a passed out rosaria

"Get your drink?" Kaeya asked? "Yup!" I replied lifting up my drink

Kaeya touched his glass to mine making a nice *clink* sound

many drinks were had and Diluc had gone back home with rosaria leaving me and Kaeya very drunk in the bar.

As the night went on more people showed up and they cranked up the music really loud suddenly the song team by Lorde came on.

"I know this song!" I screamed at Kaeya in a drunken state

"Then get up and sing!" He screamed back just a drunk

I stood up on the table pretending my empty wine glass was a microphone and began to sing.

"Call the all the ladies out~"
"They're in there finery~"
"100 jewels on throats~ 100 jewels between teeth"
"Now bring my booouyss in~" i reached out my hand to the crowd in the bar who were all now dead silent listening to me sing

"There skin like craters in the moon~"
"The moon we love like a brother while he glows through the room"

The whole bar started cheering hm guess i have a good singing voice- i never noticed

"Dancing around the lies we tell dancing round big eyes as well"
"Even the comatose, they don't dance and tell"

"We live in cities~ you never see on screen"
"Not very pretty but we sure know how to run things~"
"Living in ruins of a palace within our deans"

"And you know, were on each others team"

The entire bar was cheering now - guess i am a good singer who knew

I finished off the song and sat back down next to Kaeya. The alcohol finally kicking in and me passing out

So this kinda wound up as a shorter chapter but that's ok 🤭
Uhhh hope y'all have a wonderful day/night and thanks for reading

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