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Authors note: hehehehehehe what's happening with Venti and Aether~ do you wanna know? Hehehe just remember this is still a XiaoVen story and I hate both Xiaother and Venther with a passion 🥰

Wednesday 5 days left to sort out Aether

I woke up in Xiaos arms laying with him on his bed

I sat up rubbing my eyes and saw the lyre still lying on the floor from the song I played him last night

The morning light poured in through the open windows as a gentle breeze blowed in the smell of morning air

It was extremely refreshing and reminded me of my mornings back in mondstat with my old friend

I looked over to my right and saw the sleeping Xiao he seemed peaceful with a blank look on his face and his eyes closed gently

I ran my finger along his nose giving him a little boop when I reached the end

Xiao looked up at me with tired eyes they suddenly lit up when it registered it was me sitting above him

"Morning ven" He said with a smile

He sat up and grabbed my chin pulling me in and giving me a small kiss

I smiled back at him

"Will I ever get to know where you went last night?" Xiao asked me smiling in a teasing tone

Ah right. Last night. And what that strange man told me

Do I really have to suck Aethers dick to fix this whole thing?

"Ven?" Xiao asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"Ah sorry! Uhm it kinda has something to do with the plan so I should just send it in the group chat with Kazuha-"

"Oh ok" Xiao replied to me

Planning Group Chat

Venti: Ok guys so uh I kinda have some new info about Aether

Kazuha: Oh! Do tell

Venti: so uh.. you know about the story of how the great traveler slayed stormterror davalin?

Kazuha: Not really considering in not from mondstat can you please recap it?

Xiao: yeah same

Venti: oh so basically he was this big dragon dude and the abyss order who nowadays are part of the fatui used abyssal power to taint his blood leaving blood clots that when destroyed would free him and so the great traveler with the help of the anemo archon destroyed the blood clots saving him

Kazuha: ok got it

Venti: so uh Aether should have the same blood clots but um well.. I learned from a.. somewhat trustwory source that well...

I inhaled deeply not wanting to type what comes next

Venti: the blood clots are likely in a somewhat intimate place.. and for some reason apparently Im the only one who can destroy them.

Xiao glared at me immediately after seeing the text

"Are you fucking serious?!" Xiao half yelled at me

"Xiao I-"

Xiao pushed me off the bed

"If you really want to such his dick that bad just say so!" He screamed at me

"But Xiao I-"

"Be quiet! Ive never been fond of excuses." Xiao said turning away from me

I looked down on the floor seeing the lyre sitting there.

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