Sneaking out

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I sat in my bed looking over at Xiao he's sleeping so peacefully

I slowly pull off the covers and slip out of bed

I look back at Xiao as he slept peacefully

I walked over to him and grabbed the front parts of his hair

I could totally braid these... I wonder what he would think

I began to twirl the bits of his hair turning them into braids

I wonder if he will see them when he wakes up and think of me... Hopefully he wakes up after I get back

I brush his hair off his forehead and plant a small kiss there

I then get up from beside his bed and walk out of our room

I slipped down the stairs-being extra quiet to make sure no one heard me leave

I opened the door out of the house slightly and stepped out closing it behind me

Right now it was around midnight so not many people were out. It's said that in the old days Liyue was a city that would never rest- always hustling and bustling with people

Nowadays after 10 its almost completely silent

There were cool street lights lining the paved roads

They echoed the moonlight in the blueish-gray color they emitted

I began to walk down the side walk past many buildings that reached high into the sky. Windows lined every wall of many of these it was as if they were made of pure glass.

As I walked my mind raced with questions

Would I see that strange lady again?

Will she tell me more?

Will there be a different painting? They do cycle the art every day.

As I walked to the entrance of the outdoor art gallery I held my breath not sure what I would find

I walked through the gates seeing no one else there.

I walked through looking at every piece

One was a sculpture of what peopled believed the ancient travelers of Teyvat looked like.

There was one with a woman who had long hair that flowed like golden whaterfalls over her shoulders, in her hair she wore a flower crown full of abyssal flowers. She wore a beautiful and ethereal dress while holding a sword in her hand.

Kneeling below her on the statue was a man with a single short braid down his back his face wore a stern expression and he wore a fully- covering outfit that made it so you could barley see any of his skin. He also held a sword in his hand except unlike the girl his was in his right hand while hers had been in her left

I continued walking seeing art of many of the important people in the history of Teyvat each one with a small pamphlet telling that persons story

Eventually I got to an inked drawing that looked like me and Xiao. I guess we must have been some important people in our past lives for us to be in so many art pieces.

I looked at the beauty of the piece each line was done perfectly it almost was as if I was looking at myself in a mirror

In the drawing I was shown in the same way I had seen myself in my dream a couple nights ago. A crop top, small shorts, a hood, and large wings erupting from my back

My wings were wrapped around Xiao who held a spear both the spear and him were covered in blood

The piece was honestly quite beautiful and then behind me I heard someone speak

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