Morning after drinks

251 10 37

LET THE REAL STORY BEGIN well kinda.. i mean like were getting close to the interesting parts 😗


I woke up back in my apartment

I was in new clothes and i felt clean

Hold on did someone take me home and shower me?! Oh hell no

Who could it have been- Kaeya was black out drunk and so was rosaria so... Diluc then?

I grab my phone from next to me and open discord


Venti Frappuccino: Yo who took me home last night?

K the pirate: not me i was too drunk

Rosegun: not me either diluc took me home earlier

Venti Frappuccino: so diluc took me home???

red haired bat man: I took you to the bus and some friend of yours offered to take you home

Venti Frappuccino: but yall are my only friends- ;-;

Rosegun: venti. Go make some friends.


Red haired bat man: that's cause your looking got friends in bars.

K the pirate: you're*

Red haired bat man: fuck you

K the pirate: :D

Venti Frappuccino: ughh i have such a bad hangoverrrrr ima go get some coffee that usually helps

Venti Frappuccino: anyone wanna come with?

Rose gun: nah i gotta go to work

K the pirate: too busy doing nothing

Red haired bat man: do they have grape juice?

venti Frappuccino: yeah im going alone bye guys

I put down my phone and sigh i walk over to my bathroom to find some clothes to put on

I grab a simple outfit. An oversized black new jeans t-shirt and black shorts. I look in the mirror damn whoever took me home even brushed out my hair

I take my two front pieces and braid them both, creating my signature hair style.

I walk out the door grabbing my mini backpack and slipping it on i grab my headphones and put them in blasting super shy at full volume

Standing at the bus stop my brain thinks of anything it can to not be bored - I've been trying to be off my phone more often my main wake up call was when i realized i averaged 9 hours on my phone per day.

My mind drifts back to who brought me home last night. I dont have any friends other than those 3. Well there is Barbra but she goes to bed at 9 every night so it couldn't have been her. Her sister jean maybe? Hm ugh this is weird. Plus neither of them know where i live oh wait oh my god I hope it wasn't Barbra-

I was in different clothes and it seemed like my hair had been washed- oh shit so whoever brought me home... TOOK OFF MY CLOTHES??? OH GOD AND I DONT KNOW WHO IT WAS SOMEONE SAW ME NAKED NO NO NO NO NO NO

I mean i have had people see me naked before like when i had to change during middle school p.e- BUT I STILL HAD MY UNFERWEAR ON THEN wait maybe they didn't fully undress me- im not sure if it was the same underwear i had on the night before or-

Oh god someone saw me in my underwear and i dont know who they are- w-wait- did they..? Touch me..?

Just as my thought were begining to spiral the bus finally pulled up. I climbed on and pulled out my bus card- remembering where it was this time

The bus was much fuller than it was last night and there were only a few open seats left.

I walk to the 5th row and sit in the empty seat. I take my bag off placing it in my lap. I dig through my bag to find my phone wait im not supposed to be on my phone- im taking a break from it

*sigh* I place my phone back in my bag and stare past the person sitting next to me out the window.

Last time i was staring out the window that guy who stared at me the whole time was there. The person sitting next to me seemed to notice me. She had brown hair with a red head band.

"Hey wait a minuite are you that guy from the video? The one at the bar?" She asked me

"What? A video?" I answered back

"Yeah the one were- ya know what here"

She turned her phone to face me and yup that was me in the video- singing what sounded like the song team on a table- at a bar- with everyone staring at me-

My eyes opened wide "yeah that's me but i dont really remember that-"

"Yeah makes sense you seem pretty drunk"

I grabbed the girls phone and scroll down to the comments

-holy shit that girl can sing-
Reply from dicknballs: uhhh i think that's a dude
reply from toyotaman: oh yeah that's a dude he came up to me at the bar that night and said he was- it was very sobering-

K pop Stan #2341

Teyvat talent agency_offical
Does anyone know this mans contact information our team would like to reach out to him
Reply from Batman: 34* *** ***6

Wait THATS MY NUMBER WHO KNOWS MY NUMBER?? Oh wait Batman- that's probably Diluc ugh this dude-

I hand the girl back her phone "uh thanks for showing me that i had no idea someone had recorded me-"

"Mhm! Just promise to remember me when you're famous!"

Hm rosaria said i should try to make some friends in places other then bars maybe i could ask her?

"It would be hard to remember you if we can't keep in touch, you have discord?" I asked her

I took my phone out of my bag opening up discord we could friend each other if she had it

"Yeah i do! Here my users outriderthepyromaniac"

I typed her user in and found an account with a stuffed rabbit as the profile picture. I turned my phone to her and asked "is this you?"

She nodded her head and i sent a friend request. A notification popped up on her phone

Friend request from Venti Frappuccino accept?

She clicked yes and now we had each other friended

I smiled at her and then stood up to get off as we had reached the stop outside the cafe where i was heading.

"Bye!" I said getting off as i waved to her. After i got off i turned back and saw her waving at me through the bus window

I waved back and started heading into the coffee shop

Joining a band - 4NEMO - XiaoVenWhere stories live. Discover now