Back at home

226 8 47

Ok so I finally caved and watched Hazbin hotel and uh 😶 No one told me the age rating- OH WELL 
This also made me realize my favorite characters are gay alchoholics cause I love angel dust and then Venti 🤩
Ok now you get the actual story more life updates at the end hehehe

We pulled up in front of the house and both climbed out of the car

"Thanks for taking me to the mall!" I said to Aether with a smile

"You're very welcome! Plus it was fun for me to heh-" Aether said

I simply smiled back as we went to grab all the bags from the back

"Hey uh-" Aether started


"So.. would you ever be willing to like- hook up or something? Its just I haven't really had any sex in awhile and well- you're pretty cute so-" Aether said to me


Wait wait no this is EXACTLY what I need, I can offer to suck his dick and instead of doing that I can just like zap it with my magic or something and BAM! Problem solved!

"Uh- Im still a virgin so maybe not full on sex- but I could give you a blowjob if you would like" I said

I swear I can see the gears turning in his head- or should I say the abysses head.

He had that same dreaded film over his eyes the entire time this conversation was happening

The abyss was in control of him. I was talking to them and not Aether

"I would be ok with that" Aether said as he shrugged his shoulders

we walked into the house with the bags and I quickly grabbed all of them and rushed up to my room

I saw Xiao sitting there simply writing in his note book

I looked up and saw the Star Wars sets on the shelf above his bed and frowned knowing I wasn't able to get him one

I looked through the bags and pulled out a small black ring

I had seen it at one of the little pop up shop things while Aether was in the bathroom and thought it would be perfect for Xiao

It was thin and black with a wavy line through the middle that looked almost like a river at night filled with thousands of small luminescent creatures

I actually bought 2 one in black and one in white

The white one was for me ehe

I put the ring back in its small box and grabbed a piece of paper

I don't think Xiao wants to talk to me right now, so instead I will simply write him a note

Hi Xiao
I know you aren't talking to me rn :(
But I really love you so so so so so much
I thought of you when I saw this ring today
Think of it as a promise
A promise I will only love you until the day I die

-Venti <3 :D

I wrapped the note around the box and walked over to where Xiao sat on his bed

He glanced at me briefly before moving so I could not see what he was writing

He was backed up in the corner against one of his band posters

I simply placed the box with the ring and the note on his nightstand before walking away

I went to put the white ring on my finger but realized I didn't have it

Joining a band - 4NEMO - XiaoVenWhere stories live. Discover now