three . whole school

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I herd the bakusqude  blabbering, their always messing around in class, witch is surprising comeing  their lead is kacchan, who strives to be the best.

Yet in class he shows he's not the best when his squde is just bounce of class clowns, they'd have high marks if they didn't mess around probably.

I felt a tap on my sholder seeing it was todoroki I'd hum, "yes sho-chan"

"You look good even when you're in a rush" I flirted in his monochrome  tone.

I'd chuckle, I find it more jokey then anything. "Awh thank you sho-chan"

Todoroki nodded, "soo are we going to that Cafe after school?"

"I can't make it today! I got tones of homework, maybe Saturday" I'd sudjust.

He'd grumble abit, "maybe you should just have alittle fun for once, like Mina said"

"Don't twist her fucking words icy-hot." Kacchan snapped at him.

"Butt out pomronaien" Todoroki snapped, glaring at him, "you've done ehnogh in the past, leave him be"

"I've forgiven  him for that shoto. Leave it be, where it belongs in the past" I snapped at shoto.

"Todoroki  we don't air out classmates dirty lungery" iida says scolding todorki, "its between those two, it stands their."

Todorki glares at iida, "could you butt out to"

He's having a mood... I don't understand, why I'd sigh.

"Sho-chan please calm down or come speak to me when you do" I said, not wanting to assioate  with him at all, at this time.

He'd huff, "midoria don't be li-"

"You herd midobro," kirishima said annoyed, "finish that sentence and you're so fuckin unmaly"

I don't think I've ever herd kirishima mad.. or cuss  I Glace back at him and he just gave me his shark toothy grin..

Odd... and why is he annoyed.

I'd sigh and look out the window leaning on my hand, I was tuning everyone  out ignoring todoroki bluntly trying to get my attention.

I was ticked with him right now for even bringing  that shit up. It's the past, and it needs to stay  their.

I felt eyes lingering on me though - I shut it down felling like it was probably  todoroki blankly-bitterly stareing into my soul.

I guess I didn't even realize the bell rang sense  when I snapped out of my trance it was iida waving his head across my face while scholding  kacchan

I jolted, "something the matter?"

"Katsuki decied he'd explode in you're ear to unfase you from the outside" iida grumbled, "in witch we don't use quricks on classmates unless training purposes"

"Dumb nerd we got all might training next." Kacchan Saif in his loud, booming voice.

I'd sigh,  "good point, it's almost like you care kacchan"

I'd stood up and walk off as uraka  comes up and tackles me into a hug.

"izuuuu" she screeched.

I smile hugging her back, "hi ura"

She'd giggle and stop hugging as we contuie to walk to training.

"You know... izu pepole think we'd make a good couple" she said in a cheery way.

Here's the problem.. I could never see ura, like .. romanticlly.. she's like a sister to me.

"Ah so I've herd. What about it?"  I sighed unamused as we walk in.

"I think we should give it a shot.." She memered quietly.

I pretended like I didn't hear it, "pardon?"

"..nothing" she sighed.

Izuku: if I pretend like I didn't hear it. It'll be okay!

I know he probably  wouldn't do this, but I also fell like he wouldn't reject her either.

Static Awaking | MHA | bksqudeboysxIzuku • CompeletedWhere stories live. Discover now