sicky nicky

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TW - fluff

Matt had gotten a cold about a week ago. Stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, all that fun stuff. It only lasted about two or three days.

Living in a house, sharing your life, with two other people makes it very difficult for only one person to get sick. So, it was not surprising when the cold got passed to Chris.

And, as things always go, Chris passed the cold to Nick.

Nick despised being sick. It didn't matter how little or how serious his sickness was, if he had it, he was miserable.

So, when he caught the dreaded cold, as he knew he would, it felt like game over.

Nick woke up knowing that the next few days were going to be the end of him. He could hardly breathe through his nose and his head hurt.

He sighed a wheezy sigh, running a shaky hand through his hair.

Standing up, Nick almost fell over, having his vision gone blurry from being laid down for so long mixed with his disease.

He felt so gross.

Carefully, he made his way out of his room, being sure to grab his extra box of tissues from his bathroom. He hobbled down the stairs and to the living room.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Matt said from the kitchen.

He looked up from his phone, immediatly raising an eyebrow at the sight of his sickly brother.

"The cold got you, too?" he asked, a slight chuckle fighting to be let out. It was bound to happen at some point. "Go sit with Chris."

Nick looked over to the couch, seeing Chris wrapped in a blanket watching a movie.

Nick walked over to the living room and plopped down next to his still sick brother.

"Are you finally sick, too, Nicky?" Chris said, smiling over at his brother.

Nick rolled his eyes, huffing a cloud of air, not wanting to admit it.

Chris laughed, knowing how much Nick hated being sick.

"Aw, it's okay to be sick, Nick," he smiled before laughing at himself. "Sick Nick," he snorted, starting to laugh harder. "Sicky Nicky!"

Chris bursted out laughing, pointing at a scowling Nick.

"Shut up!" Nick said, lightly pushing Chris's shoulder, trying hard not to laugh himself.

Nick couldn't help but laugh, his chuckles quickly turning into a coughing fit. A shiver ran down his spine.

"Here," Chris said, starting to unfold himself from his blanket, "get under this. It'll help."

Nick held up a hand in protest.

"No thanks, I'm okay-," he said, his voice cutting off with another cough. His throat scratched uncomfortably.

"C'moonnn," Chris dragged with a chuckle. "You know you wanna!"

Nick pouted his lip, turning his head.

He was not going to admit that he wanted cuddles to help him feel better.

"Nickyyy," Chris cooed, waving the corner of his blanket. "Sicky Nickyyy!"

Chris pet Nick's arm with the corner of the blanket.

"Oh my god!" Nick said, slapping Chris's hand away with a wheezy laugh. "You're ridiculous."

Chris had a smug smile on his face. They stared at each other, Nick slightly glaring, Chris slowly raising the blanket to start petting him again.

"Fine," Nick groaned, rolling his eyes before a small smile pulled up the corners of his mouth.

"Yay!" Chris said happily, flinging the blanket to cover the both of them.

Nick tucked himself in, scooting closer to Chris, Chris leaning his head on Nick's shoulder and wrapping his arm around his stomach.

Matt walked in front of them, setting two bowls of soup on the coffee table.

"Aww," he said upon seeing the two.

He held out his hand, two pills in his palm.

"Take these," he told each of his brothers. "It'll help you guys feel better. So will the soup."

Nick and Chris thanked Matt, each taking the medicine.

"Feel better, Sicky Nicky," he chuckled, walking away, Chris laughing along.

Nick only rolled his eyes again, settling in closer to Chris.

He would eat the soup eventually, he just wanted to stay cuddled up in the blanket next to Chris for a little while longer.

word count: 681

see, i am fully capable of writing something not so dramatic and upsetting

needed this short and sweet to contrast the long and heavy

hope you enjoyed, lmk what you think!

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