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TW - papercut, blood, fluff

Nick was having a bad day.

A very bad day.

When he woke up that morning, he lifted his pounding head groggily, already knowing that the day was going to be a struggle. He had reached for his phone, but ultimately found it dead.

Taking medicine for his headache, he had gotten back into his bed and turned on his TV, wanting to watch an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race before he had to get any actual work done. However, he discovered, to his painful dismay, that the Wifi was out. The Wifi being out meant that he couldn't watch his favorite show, but also meant that he couldn't do the work he was putting off doing.

Rubbing his temples, he went back downstairs to see what was wrong with the Wifi router. He turned it off, not without the complaint of Matt from the other room, who claimed that his Wifi was working just fine. He left it off for a few minutes, grabbing a bowl of cereal to munch on, before turning it back on again. Usually, that would do the trick, and things would go on normally from there on out. However, his Wifi refused to cooperate.

He groaned, turning off his TV when the show still had yet to work, yanking his phone off the charger and stomping downstairs.

"I'm going for a walk," he called to Matt, who responded with a simple "okay."

Needing to calm down and relax himself, Nick decided that a stroll around the neighborhood on that nice sunny day would do him good.

Having it being only him and Matt in the house, he found himself being increasingly bored. Chris was a few towns over, doing some work stuff for his clothing brand. The house was noticeably calmer without him, but Nick and Matt were getting by. Barely.

Nick marched onward, body tense. The sun shone in his eyes, making him glare against the bright light, his headache flaring. The medicine had hardly done anything to help.

For about twenty minutes, Nick followed the narrow sidewalk, not really caring where it led him to. He was really starting to regret going on this walk.

Who the hell was he? He hated physical activity. He hated going on walks by himself. He hated that the sun was so hot on his back that his shirt stuck to his skin, sweat shining on his forhead. What the hell was he thinking? A walk wouldn't calm him down.

Before he could turn back, the sky darkened, and, with very little warning, started dumping rain.

At first he tried to run back home, but having walked for nearly half and hour away from the house, he slowed to a walk before eventually stopping.

Nick groaned and rubbed his face, only being able to hope that his phone wouldn't get ruined by the rain, but it seemed likely that it would, since he was soaked to the bone. His clothes stuck to his body in ways he didn't know they could.

It took him about forty minutes to get back home, seeing as he was in no hurry. He was already soaking wet, so there was no point in trying to avoid the rain. He figured he may as well take his time and enjoy the cool feeling the rain brought to him. It helped dim his headache a bit.

Upon arriving back at home, Nick tried his best not to drip on the floor as he mad-dashed to his shower. He stepped in, shivering, craving the warmth that the rain had taken away, but was met with only cold water. He groaned in utter disappointment, head thrown back, eyes screwed shut.

𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬Where stories live. Discover now